How To Learn Poker (From Videos)

Videos are one of the most powerful ways to learn anything, and poker videos are no different. That being said, I hear students all the time say “I watch a ton of poker videos, but I haven’t improved enough yet.” The problem typically stems from the way in which they watch videos…which is what inspired this guide. I want to explain how to get the most out of any poker video you watch, using 5 easy strategies:

Watch Actively

Turn off your email, lock yourself in a room, and prepare to learn something. If you want to get the most from a poker video without having to watch it 40x, make sure to turn your brain on and turn off the social media and other distractions.

  1. Set aside a time slot to watch your video
  2. Turn off distractions
  3. If you zone out, rewind and focus again

Take Notes

It’s not sexy taking notes with pen and paper (or jotting into a Word document), but this method helps you organize what you’ve learned. Taking notes also ensures that you are actively watching the video (hint hint), so stay vigilant here…

  1. Start a new document/sheet for each video
  2. Write down new plays that you learn
  3. Write down new concepts/terms that you learn

Ask Questions (& Find Answers)

When actively watching a video your brain is going to develop a ton of questions. “Why did the coach do this?” “What does this term mean?” “Why did he assign that range of hands?” Write these questions down and look for answers through the rest of the video. Poker is a non-stop series of asking and answering questions…and you can practice that skillset while watching videos.

  1. Ask yourself questions while watching the video
  2. Write down questions that seem important
  3. If you have a question on a term, pause the video and Google it
  4. Look for answers throughout the video and write them down
  5. If you don’t find an answer, share the question in our poker forum and we’ll help you out

Look For The Logic

Even though poker is vastly complex, all good plays are based in logic. Good players assign logical ranges, use math, and create lines that logically exploit their opponent’s weaknesses. When watching a video look to understand the logic the coach is using given the assumptions the coach is making. Understanding this will allow you to build a logical and profitable framework for both analyzing and playing hands better.

  1. Ask yourself WHY the coach made each play
  2. Ask yourself WHAT assumptions the coach may have been making
  3. Ask yourself WHEN one line is better than another


Great communities create great results, and poker is no different. Even though poker is a solo-focused game (it’s you vs the world), discussing and growing with poker players is one the best ways to improve faster. If you get stuck on a certain concept, or if you get a new idea that you want feedback on…we’re here to talk about it! Create a forum account and let’s help each other out (plus, the same guys and gals who make our videos post on the forum…which is pretty awesome if you ask me ♥)

Do you already do these things when studying? Do you have any other tips that you use when watching videos? Leave a comment below and let’s get nerdy!

James Sweeney

James is one of the busiest poker coaches around. He wrote DFRP, co-founded Red Chip Poker, has made 500+ videos and coached 500+ students. Learn more about James

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