Have you ever wondered what treats are stored in our PRO video library? Wonder no more. Below is a complete listing of the videos accessible to you with Red Chip Poker PRO membership. Please note the search feature on the top right above the video listing. Entering a key term like “3-Bet” will reveal all the content we have on that topic.
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PRO Video Public List
Coach | Title | Description |
Brokos | 3-Bet Ranges When Deep | For 100bb stack depth, tools like the GTO Ranges app by Red Chip give you definitive 3-bet ranges. But what about when we're deep? How do we adjust? |
Brokos | Giving 3-Bets Action | Andrew takes a fundamental look at when and why we should continue against 3-bets. When is flatting acceptable, and when should we respond with a 4-bet? |
Brokos | Playing As The 3-Bettor | We 3-bet preflop and get called. How do we handle the flop and later streets? Andrew illustrates some key principles through hand examples. |
Brokos | Playing Against 3-Betttors | Playing 3-bet pots as the defender puts many players on the back foot, but Andrew explains how we can negotiate postflop profitably. |
Brokos | Bread And Butter vs Capped Ranges | In this four-part series, Andrew looks at the nuances of playing capped ranges. The first installment looks at some baseline profitable plays. |
Brokos | Overbetting vs Capped Ranges | Capped ranges are particularly vulnerable to aggression, opening up the potential for overbet bluffs when we have the luxury of the uncapped range. |
Brokos | Overbetting vs Capped Ranges 2 | The overbet into a capped range is such a powerful play, it took Andrew two videos to fully explore it. Here he demonstrates the ideas through hand examples. |
Brokos | Playing With Capped Ranges | Having explored how we can abuse our opponents when they are stuck with a capped range, the shoe is on the other foot in this concluding video of the series. |
Brokos | Barreling: Range Advantage | Andrew explores the concept of range advantage, explaining what it means, where it comes from, and how you can leverage it. |
Brokos | Barreling: Range Construction | When our flop c-bet is called, we have the decision to either barrel or check the turn. Andrew explains how to construct a betting range that includes value hands and bluffs. |
Brokos | Barreling: Bet Sizing | You've determined you have a good barreling spot, but how much do you bet? Andrew explains the math that determines the optimal bet size. |
Brokos | Barreling: Turn Ranges | The turn card naturally has a major impact on whether we choose to barrel. Andrew presents some practice hands that illustrate whether or not we should barrel. |
Brokos | Barreling: River Ranges | The river is unique among betting streets because it's no longer possible to have drawing equity. How do various river cards affect your decision to fire one last bet? |
Brokos | MW Pots 1: Analyzing Flop Textures | Multiway pots are common at low stakes and confuse many players. Andrew shows how the flop texture can help us make profitable decisions. |
Brokos | MW Pots 2: Examples | Andrew expands the discussion from Part 1 with hand examples, in which the flop texture influences his play in multiway pots. |
Brokos | MW Pots 3: Analyzing Flop Actions | Betting actions on multiway flops tend to be purer. Andrew explains this concept and how you can exploit it to simplify your decisions. |
Brokos | MW Pots 4: Analyzing Turns | When a multiway flop proceeds to a heads-up turn, the surviving ranges tend to be stronger. Andrew presents several hands to illustrate how this principle can be exploited. |
Brokos | MW Pots 5: Analyzing Rivers | Pots are often large by the river, setting up the opportunity for big bluffs, and tough folds. Andrew demonstrates how to reach the correct decisions through examples. |
Brokos | Nightmare Flops Part 1: The “Heavy” Flop | In this series on nightmare flops, Andrew looks at flops which are difficult to play as the EP raiser. We begin with "heavy" flops on which we have a nuts disadvantage. |
Brokos | Nightmare Flops Part 2: The Monotone Flop | The Monotone Flop can be a puzzling nightmare for some players. Handling such flops well centers on not making decisions easy for your opponents. |
Brokos | Nightmare Flops Part 3: The “Wet” Flop | The "Wet" Flop. With all those draws on the board, being out of position is a huge disadvantage. Andrew explains how to navigate this nightmare flop. |
Brokos | Nightmare Flops Part 4: The Ace-High Flop | The Ace-High Flop. Not always a nightmare, but that doesn't mean you're playing it optimally. Planning ahead for future streets should inform your c-betting strategy. |
Brokos | River Raising Part 1 | Pots can be big on the river, but this is where many players are their weakest! Andrew discusses key theory concepts related to raising rivers, both for value and as a bluff. |
Brokos | River Raising Part 2 | How often do you bluff raise the river? Probably not enough! Andrew looks at examples of bluff raising with a focus on playing in position. |
Brokos | River Raising Part 3 | When was the last time you check-raise bluffed the river? Andrew explains the theory behind betting versus check-raising as a bluff through examples. |
Brokos | Bluffing Mistakes Part 1 | Hand reading isn't just about figuring out what your opponent has, it's about deducing what they probably don't have. This opens the door for profitable bluffs. |
Brokos | Bluffing Mistakes Part 2 | Are your opponents really unbluffable, or are you just not trying hard enough? Learn techniques for applying maximum pressure with minimal risk. |
Brokos | Bluffing Mistakes Part 3 | Even when you're bluffing, your cards matter. Instead of pushing and hoping that your opponent folds, learn to think in terms of bluffing ranges. |
Brokos | Bluffing Mistakes Part 4 | To bluff effectively, you need to consider which hands you are trying to make your opponent fold. This naturally leads to a plan of attack. |
Brokos | Consider ALL Your Options Part 1 | Solvers frequently check the turn after check-raising the flop, whereas the line is rare among human players. Andrew shows how this play can be added to your arsenal. |
Brokos | Consider ALL Your Options Part 2 | Check Flop, Raise Turn. The effectiveness of this line depends heavily on your opponent's turn strategy. Learn when and how to employ it effectively. |
Brokos | Consider ALL Your Options Part 3 | Check, check, overbet. Some overbet candidates in this line are "obvious," others not so much. Exploit your opponents with this little-used betting line. |
Brokos | Consider ALL Your Options Part 4 | Donking the Turn. There are good reasons not to do this too often. But on specific turn cards, donk bets play an important part of the out-of-position player's strategy. |
Brokos | Floating Part 1: What, When, and Why? | What does it mean to "float"? When should you consider doing it? And why? |
Brokos | Floating Part 2: Floating Candidates | Your cards and backdoor equity are critical when floating. Andrew explains what kinds of hands will set you up to execute the most profitable turn and river strategies. |
Brokos | Floating Part 3: When They Check The Turn | You floated the flop. Your opponent checked the turn. Now what? Take an in-depth look at bluffing ranges, bet sizes, and more. |
Brokos | Floating Part 4: They Check The Turn Contd | It's a topic too big for one video! We continue our investigation of strategy on a variety of board textures when you float flop and your opponent checks the turn. |
Brokos | Floating Part 5: When They Bet The Turn | If you call the flop with a weak hand, you don't improve, and your opponent bets again, usually you should just fold. But not always. Here are the exceptions. |
Cardner | Meditation | Dr. Cardner gives step-by-step instructions on how to get a meditation habit started, and describes why meditation is a great habit for players to implement. |
Cardner | Managing Your Mental Energy | Managing your mental energy by staying calm and focused is one of the most important strategies you can use at the table. Dr. Cardner explains why and how. |
Cardner | The Science Of Confidence | Learn all about the science behind confidence and why it is important to cultivate a confidence in yourself as it relates to poker. |
Cardner | The Science Of Expertise | Learn the latest scientific findings on expertise. Discover the four key aspects of purposeful practice and how your brain's structure changes as a result. |
Cardner | The Science Of Learning | Dr. Cardner explains why many common learning strategies are ineffective, and provides alternatives inspired by the latest research findings. |
Cardner | Poker Learning Challenges | Using Dr. Cardner's six-step plan, learn how to use self-derived learning challenges to propel your motivation for learning poker concepts. |
Cardner | Putting Learning Challenges Into Action | In this video, RCP member Robert Dewberry and Dr. Cardner discuss the progress Robert has made applying Dr. Cardner's methods, particularly to hand reading. |
Cardner | Perfectionism | Being a perfectionist can create many problems, including procrastination, anxiety, and depression. Fortunately, perfectionism can be harnessed for positive results. |
Cardner | 90 Days To Better Poker | Dr. Cardner presents a 90-day planning/productivity strategy for learning poker more efficiently. Learn how to create your personalized plan. |
Cardner | Setting Better Poker Goals | Dr. Cardner discusses the importance of getting clarity on all of your goals and how to prioritize your actions so you can complete your goals in short order. |
Cardner | Optimal Sleep | Ever wondered what the secret psychological sauce is for poker greatness? Dr. Cardner argues it's probably getting enough quality sleep. |
Cardner | Stoic Philosophy | Dr. Cardner explains how a great deal of practical mindset advice can be drawn from Stoic philosophy, using five core principles from Epictetus. |
Cardner | Prime Yourself | A well-designed poker office environment can prime online players for peak performance. Dr. Cardner explains why and how. |
Cardner | Dealing With A Distracted Mind | Dr. Cardner discusses why it is so easy to get distracted and lose focus even when we'd rather not, drawing on research findings from neuroscience. |
Cardner | Nutrition 101 | One of the major pillars of peak performance is nutrition. Dr. Cardner explains how diet impacts many brain functions and is related to depression, anxiety and lack of focus. |
Cardner | Playing Poker Like A Roman Emperor | Many of the Stoic teachings of Marcus Aurelius can be applied successfully to poker. Dr. Cardner explains how to manage your mindset for success and happinness. |
Cardner | Poker Mindset Traps: Rumination | In this mini-series, Dr. Cardner looks at cognitive, emotional, and behavioral traps which impede peak performance and suppress our A-game. First: rumination. |
Cardner | Poker Mindset Traps: Self-Criticism | Self-criticism is the topic of this one. In it, Dr. Cardner goes over what self-criticism is, why we do it, and why it isn't the best strategy for peak performance. |
Cardner | Avoidance | Dr. Cardner's final topic in the mindset trap series is avoidance. She explains what it is, then unironically suggests strategies to avoid it. |
Elwood | Poker Tells: Bet-Timing Immediate Preflop Calls | Poker tells expert Zach Elwood tells us all about preflop timing tells, with a focus on rapid calls of opens. Such fast calls reveal our opponent's range. |
Elwood | Poker Tells: Talking From Preflop Raisers | You're contemplating calling a preflop raise and the opener starts babbling. What does this typically tell us about their hand strength? |
Elwood | Poker Tells: Eye Contact From Players Waiting To Act | Eye contact and averted gaze are both behaviors that tend to reveal our opponent's confidence in their hand strength. Elwood has the details. |
Elwood | Poker Tells: Immediate Posflop Calls | Like the preflop case, rapid calls of postflop bets tell us a lot about the hand classes our opponent likely has. A quick call makes it far more likely your opponent has a draw. |
Elwood | Poker Tells: Uncertainty & Concern When Betting | Your opponent appears nervous about firing out a bet. Are they acting or genuinely confused? Find out how to tell the difference, and how you should respond. |
Gano | Outside The Box Plays | Despite the solver era in poker clarifying the "correct" play in many situations, outside-the-box thinking can still yield impressive dividends, as Mike Gano explains. |
Gano | Overbet Like A Boss | Overbets are an important component of any complete hold'em strategy, but many players either fail to use them altogether, or make the play in poor situations. |
Gano | Exploit Them With Your HUD | The sheer volume of statistics returned by modern HUDs can create analysis paralysis. Mike shows you how to efficiently use HUD stats to exploit opponents. |
Gano | Facing Donk Bets | The term "donk bet" indicates such a play is often weak, but how do you respond when facing such a move? Mike outlines the counter-strategy. |
Gano | How And When To Donk Bet | Despite the perjorative name, there are times when a donk bet is appropriate. Learn why and when a donk bet is your best play. |
Gano | Delayed C-Bets | Mike explains the theory behind delayed continuation bets and provides heuristics for when to make the play using hand examples. |
Gano | Climbing The Stakes – 10NL | In one of Red Chip's most popular series, Mike Gano climbs the online stakes, explaining how play and strategies differ. We start in the micros at 10NL. |
Gano | Climbing The Stakes – 25NL | As a bonus during the discussion of 25NL, Mike explains how off-table considerations play a major contribution towards your in-game success. |
Gano | Climbing The Stakes – 50NL | Having climbed the ladder up to 50NL, a definite change occurs in our opponents. We are now dealing with regs who exhibit a high degree of aggression. |
Gano | Climbing the Stakes – 100NL | Mike investigates game texture at 100NL by playing fast fold on PartyPoker. He explains the more sophisticated tactical adjustments required at these stakes. |
Gano | Climbing the Stakes – 200NL | Higher stakes do not always mean strong opponents. In this episode, Mike battles a couple of maniacs and discusses how to bluff-catch such opponents. |
Gano | Climbing The Stakes – 400NL | At 400NL we reach the top of the ladder for this series. Mike discusses shot-taking at this relatively high limit, and explains his strategies for seat and table selection. |
Gano | Adventures In Hand Reading | In this session review of mid-stakes online hands, Mike explains how he uses hand reading to reach his decisions, even when the clock is ticking. |
Gano | GTO River Bet Sizing | This video looks at the practical use of the GTO solver Simple Postflop. After analyzing some trees, Mike applies the results to optimal bet sizing on the river. |
Gano | Empty The Clip | In this video, Mike discusses the merits of triple barreling. He reviews a series of hands where he bets all three streets and explains why he chose to triple barrel. |
Gano | Profiling Unknown Players | Hand histories sometimes include the qualifier "unknown opponent." But as Mike explains, no opponent is truly unknown, and all can be profiled rapidly. |
Gano | Home On The Range | Modern poker is often described as a range-versus-range battle. But when should we focus on our range rather than our actual hand? Mike explains. |
Gano | Breaking Down Continuation Bets | Accurate continuation betting frequency and sizing is critical for success. Mike uses a hand review of a Red Chip member to highlight the salient features. |
Gano | Hero Calling Rivers | Making a super thin call on the river and being right is always pleasing, but how do we objectively determine when to make a sound hero call? |
Gano | Maniac Poker | In a video that may have been first released on Halloween, Mike takes a look into a dark and stormy place: the mind of the poker maniac. He finds method to their madness. |
Gano | Quashing Mistakes | One can view progress as a poker player as the continuous eradication of mistakes. Mike presents a methodology for purging the errors from your game. |
Goldklang | WSOP Circuit Hand Review Part 1 | Dustin Goldklang took the trouble to record some live hands from a WSOP circuit event. In this two-part series, he reviews the decisions in some key ones. |
Goldklang | WSOP Circuit Hand Review Part 2 | The second part of some hand reviews from a WSOP circuit event. Dustin's analysis includes a break-down of a truly spectacular 3-bet bluff on the river. |
Goldklang | Bluff-Catching Rivers Part 1 | In this mini-series on bluffing, Dustin begins by discussing the critical variables to consider when deciding if a bluff-catch on the river is justified. |
Goldklang | Bluff-Catching Rivers Part 2 | Dustin concludes this two-part mini-series with an in-depth analysis of six hands in which he faced the decision of whether or not to bluff-catch. |
Goldklang | Flop Betting Theory | Many flop betting decisions and sizings are simplified if we can determine who has range advantage and/or a polarized range. Dustin explains. |
Group Coaching | Busting Poker Myths | In the debut edition of our long-form group coaching sessions, w34z3l looks at ten pieces of poker folklore and analyzes their validity in today's game. |
Group Coaching | From Range To Exploit | Hand reading allows us to range our opponents. Their ranges tell us how to exploit them. This approach to exploitative poker is explained in detail by SplitSuit. |
Group Coaching | Creating An Unbeatable Mindset | Is there a doctor in the house? Yes! Dr. Cardner is here to help you create an unbeatable poker mindset. You'll incoporate grit, commitment, and confidence. |
Group Coaching | Progressive Bounty/KO MTTs | Progressive bounty tournaments (or PKOs) have mushroomed in popularity over the last few years. PKO specialist Ben Hayles unveils some of the math required to beat them. |
Group Coaching | Exploiting Regs In Big O | Big O players can make a tidy profit outplaying hold'em converts, but Greg Vail argues that to maximize profit, you also need to learn how to exploit regs. |
Group Coaching | Playing From The Blinds | Blind play troubles many otherwise solid players, probably because it involves playing OOP. Mike Gano explains how we can handle the blinds through examples. |
Group Coaching | C-Betting OOP | Of all the facets of poker influenced by solvers, OOP c-betting has probably been changed the most. Coach w34z3l looks at key results that shape a modern strategy. |
Group Coaching | C-Betting In Position | Playing in position is always easier, and c-betting strategy is no exception. But as Alex Fitzgerald discusses, it's essential you take full advantage of the situation. |
Group Coaching | Deconstructing LAGs | A good LAG can make life difficult for their opponents, so we decided to ask such a player how we should combat them. Fausto Valdez gave us the answers. |
Group Coaching | Stone Cold Reads | Most players understand that ranging our opponents is the first step to exploiting them, but how do we craft the best possible lines? Doug Hull shares some strategies. |
Group Coaching | Stone Cold Reads Part 2 | Doug Hull extends the ideas from the previous session with some specific exploits against certain player types. He also shows off the Flop Falcon software. |
Group Coaching | Home Game (Hull) | In this coaching session, we decided to stop talking about poker and actually play some. Your host and lead analyst for the RCP Home Game is Doug Hull. |
Group Coaching | Exploring Omaha | Chris "Fox" Wallace provides an overview of PLO, aimed at the hold'em player who wants to expand their poker horizons. |
Group Coaching | Hand Reading Q&A | Doug records a coaching session with his student Kent. This gives valuable insights both into the naunces of hand reading, and how a poker coaching sessions runs. |
Group Coaching | Plugging Leaks | Ross Glover joins Doug Hull to demonstrate how you can use poker software to identify and eradicate costly leaks. |
Group Coaching | Plugging Leaks #2 | In the second part of the Plugging Leaks group coaching session, Ross and Doug extend the discussion to more leakbusting, state-of-the-art tools. |
Group Coaching | The Minefield | Chris "Fox" Wallace has a track record of going deep in large-field tournaments, including the WSOP Main Event. He presents the strategies behind his success. |
Group Coaching | GTO+ Deep Dive | Before we released our highly-acclaimed GTO+ course, we unleashed Ross and Doug on the software and invited them to present some fascinating results. |
Group Coaching | Shorthanded Strategy | Coming out of the COVID pandemic, many live games adopted the popular online 6-max format. BFSkinner presents strategies for short-handed play. |
Group Coaching | Simplifying Poker With GTO+ | GTO solutions to poker are often regarded as highly complex. While true, the trick in using GTO results is to find actionable and profitable simplifications. |
Group Coaching | GTO Deviations | GTO is in some sense "perfect" poker, so why would we ever deviate? Simple. To make more money. Coach w34z3l explains. |
Group Coaching | Flop Raising | Whether you're facing a c-bet or donk-bet, you need ranges for raising and check-raising. Coach w34z3l explains how to build such ranges. |
Group Coaching | Bet Sizing: PRO Group Coaching Session | This group coaching session can be thought of us a one-stop summary of coach w34z3l's highly-acclaimed bet-sizing course featured in PRO. |
Group Coaching | How Solvers Work: PRO Group Coaching | While most poker players focus on what a GTO solver tells them to do, understanding how solvers work is a passion for Doug Hull, as he explains. |
Luke | MTT Overhaul: Preflop leakbusting | In this four-video MTT overhaul series, Luke uses his experience as a coach to highlight common leaks. He begins the discussion with preflop leakbusting. |
Luke | MTT Overhaul: Postflop leakbusting | Having negotiated our preflop decision, the postflop streets provide plenty of opportunity for expensive leaks. Lucky Luke explains how to eradicate them. |
Luke | MTT Overhaul: ICM | One of the biggest differences between cash games and tournaments is the impact of ICM. A solid ICM understanding is critical for MTT success, as Luke explains. |
Luke | MTT Overhaul: Mental Game | You play perfectly for eight hours, only to bust the tournament to a suck-out. MTTs can be brutal, and developing a solid mental game is essential. |
Luke | 150K GTD Review Part 1 | In this three-part mini series, Lucky "Luke" Haward reviews a $150k guarantee OSS tournament played on WPN. |
Luke | 150K GTD Review Part 2 | Part 2 in this series takes Luke from the middle stages, through the bubble and up to play at the final two tables. |
Luke | 150K GTD Review Part 3 | Luke concludes this series as he makes a deep final table run in the $150k guarantee OSS on WPN. |
Luke | Upgrading Your Study Time | Luke draws on his background as a teacher to explain how active learning can maximize the return on your study time. |
Luke | Reviewing A Student’s Hands Part 1 | In this three-part series, Lucky Luke reviews a complete hand history for a $7.50 MTT played by one of his students. |
Luke | Reviewing A Student’s Hands Part 2 | Part two of this complete tournament hand review takes us across the bubble and all the way to the final table. |
Luke | Reviewing A Student’s Hands Part 3 | Luke wraps up this series with a review of final table hands. The critical short-handed play takes us all the way to the heads-up battle. |
Luke | ACR $215 Review Part 1 | Sunday is tournament day, and in this hand review, Luke looks at hands from a $215 buy-in MTT with a $300k guarantee on ACR. |
Luke | ACR $215 Review Part 2 | Luke completes his review of an ACR $215, taking across the bubble for another deep tournament run. |
Luke | Student Breakdown Part 1 | Do not be alarmed, Luke's student did not have a breakdown. The video is simply Luke's analysis of a student's tournament hands. |
Luke | Powerfest Run Part 1 | In this three-part series, Luke provides another complete hand history analysis of a deep tournament run, this time for a $215 Powerfest MTT. |
Luke | Powerfest Run Part 2 | Luke's hand history analysis continues for this $215 Powerfest tournament on PartyPoker. |
Luke | Powerfest Run Part 3 | The third part of this video series on a $215 PartyPoker Powerfest tournament takes us all the way to the final table. |
Luke | Post-Grind Review | You played a full Sunday slate and your PT4 is full of MTT hands. How do you review that session to improve your game? Lucky Luke demonstrates his process. |
Hayles | 3-Bet Shoving Part 1: Theory | This five-video series on 3-bet shoving in MTTs is also available as a curated PRO course complete with supplemental text and quizzes. |
Hayles | 3-Bet Shoving Part 2: The Big Blind | Ben breaks down the various 3-bet shove tournament ranges by position, starting with our play out of the big blind. |
Hayles | 3-Bet Shoving Part 3: The Small Blind | What is our shoving range from the small blind when we face an open in a tournament. Ben discusses the shoving depth and associated ranges. |
Hayles | 3-Bet Shoving Part 4: The CO/Button | As we move to earlier position, our opponent's opening ranges are tighter and there are more players left to act. 3-bet shove ranges tighten accordingly. |
Hayles | 3-Bet Shoving Part 5: From EP/MP | We do not do a lot of 3-bet shoving from the earlier positions, simply because we get fewer opportunities. Tighter required ranges also depress our frequency. |
Haynie | OFC: Getting Started | Derric Haynie provides an introductory primer to the popular game of Open-Faced Chinese Poker. |
Haynie | OFC Pineapple: Start At The End | Derric switches attention to Open-Faced Chinese Pineapple and explains how thinking backwards can help you plan your hands successfully. |
Hull | 3-Flush, 4-Flush, Red Flush, Black Flush | Doug looks at some hands he played in which the board ran out very flushy, and shows how exploiting "flush fear" in our opponents can be profitable |
Hull | Why Short Stack? | Many inexperienced players believe big stacks have the power to "bully" short stacks. As Doug explains in this video, it's actually the shorties with the advantage. |
Hull | How To Crush WSOP STTs | The WSOP in Las Vegas includes plentiful STT action. Doug describes how to beat this format, with advice that can also be applied to other SNGs. |
Hull | Constructing Ranges Part 1 | Doug explains how to construct postflop continuance ranges within the context of Ed Miller's 70% model. |
Hull | Constructing Ranges Part 2 | The series continues with Doug looking at additional scenarios for range construction in the frequency-based model. |
Hull | Constructing Ranges Part 3 | Doug derives a baseline range using the 70% model, then Christian Soto jumps in and adds some additional aggression to the mix. |
Hull | Constructing Ranges Part 4 | The series to date has focused on off-table work, but can similar techniques be applied in real time? Tim Acker stops by to demonstrate that they can. |
Hull | Constructing Ranges Part 5 | The last espisode in this series has Doug demonstrating how the CREV software can be used to refine our postflop range construction. |
Hull | I Played The Player At $10/$20 | Cash games during WSOP are a big draw for many Vegas grinders. This video sees Doug making opponent-specific exploitative plays at the Rio. |
Hull | Sweet Temptations | Some live cash games offer sweet temptations in the form of straddle pots. Should you give in to the temptation of boosting the action by straddling? |
Hull | APT Hand Review | Doug analyzes some hands played by a student using the Advanced Poker Training software. |
Hull | Ship The Turn | In this hand review of an eight-hour $1/$2 session, Doug picks up countless white chips by isolating limpers and blasts them off hands with turn semi-bluffs. |
Hull | The Nit Recovery Program | Are you a nit? Do you want to cease being a nit? That's okay. The first step on the path to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Doug has the solution. |
Hull | Expected Dollars | In this classroom math-based lecture, Doug demonstrates why we should stop being results oriented. Outcomes are irrelevant if we make the correct play. |
Hull | Coaching Ride Along | Using his experience from coaching relatively inexperienced players, Doug has compiled a list of common mistakes and how they can be fixed. |
Hull | Bink The Tiny MTT | While more experienced as a cash-game player, Doug flaunts his tournament skills as he wins an online MTT despite a disconnect. |
Hull | How An Unstudied Player Thinks (Preflop) | Doug gave his friend and long-time, but unstudied, poker player a couple of buy-ins and invited him to describe his thought processes during an online session. |
Hull | How An Unstudied Player Thinks (Postflop) | Breaking down some postflop action, we see many strange lines and sizings. The explanations provided will help you understand your unstudied opponents. |
Hull | Flop Texture XYZr | Doug breaks out the software to take a deep look at the unpaired rainbow flop and how it hits various ranges. |
Hull | All Flop Textures | Emboldened by his analysis of unpaired rainbow flops, Doug shrugs and unloads the anaysis tools on all flops. |
Hull | T8s vs a Face-Up Range | A nit opens from EP and you find yourself with T8s on the button. Call and exploit the face-up range? Doug demonstrates that poker does not work like that. |
Hull | Is It A Cooler? | Doug Hull and Ed Miller discuss coolers. What is a cooler? Should you worry about them? Should you strive to be coolered more or less. Find out in this video. |
Hull | Exploitative Folds | In an era in which poker aggression is preached by every training site, the topic of folding gets short shrift. But it's important, as Ed Miller and Doug explain. |
Hull | Money For Nothing and the Chips for Free: Part 1 | Doug and fellow grinder Randal popped down to LA to play Live At The Bike. Using footage from the show, they discuss some of their key hands. |
Hull | Money For Nothing and the Chips for Free: Part 2 | Doug and Randal avoid getting into dire straits during the remainder of the LATB sessions. But some of their bluffs work better than others. |
Hull | LATB: Episode 6 | More live action from the felt at the Bicycle Casino in beautiful Bell Gardens, California. Doug Hull and Ed Miller provide an analysis of key hands. |
Hull | History Dependent on Live at the Bike | Another session from Live at the Bike, in which Doug explains the importance of dynamics that you set up with individual opponents. |
Hull | Mixed Strategies With PokerSnowie | When Doug and SplitSuit disagreed on the correct line in a hand, Doug broke out PokerSnowie to find out who was right. Spoiler: they both were. |
Hull | Keeping Records Like A Pro | Online players can track their win-loss by site, day of the week, and stakes using a tracker. For live players, the process is important, but requires a little more work. |
Hull | Float The Three | On some flops we need to dig deep to find enough hands to defend against a c-bet. One underutlized candidate: the three-flush/three-straight. Doug explains. |
Hull | LATB: Episode 8 | Ed Miller and Doug Hull are back for more commentary on a Live at the Bike session, this time featuring an ongoing battle between a couple of aggro regs. |
Hull | LATB: Episode 9 | Analysis from Doug and Ed on a LATB session, this one featuring Red Chip coach and GTO guru, Ross Glover. |
Hull | LATB: Episode 10 | Live action from a $5/$5 game at the Bicycle Casino is broken down by Ed Miller and Doug Hull. |
Hull | Philosophy & Practice | The first part of a two-part-series in which Doug Hull sits down with Christian Soto to discuss the latter's strategy and how they implement it. |
Hull | Range Advantage | Doug wraps up his conversation with Soto by discussing the importance of range advantage in crafting postflop betting lines. |
Hull | LATB: Episode 11 | More action from the LATB $5/$5 tables discussed by Doug Hull and Ed Miller, with this episode featuring hands played by Doug himself. |
Hull | Doug’s Data Driven Deep Look at 98s | This video is a deep analysis of the postflop properties of a classic medium suited connector, as well as a tutorrial on how to carry out such work with Flop Falcon. |
Hull | Mechanics To Remember Poker Hands | Do you rapidly forget hands after playing them. Find it awkward to write them down at a live table? This video explains how you can effectively record your hands. |
Hull | Snowie 3-Bet Overpair Line Check | Doug breaks out PokerSnowie to do a line check on a hand in which we flop an overpair. |
Hull | If You Knew They Had Aces… | Some players have such tight ranges given certain action, we can reliably put them on a premium. But how well do "ace crackers" do in such ideal scenarios. |
Hull | If I Get A Safe Flop… | Do you ever stack off with an apparently "safe flop" and claim you were unlucky? It's possible you needn't have gone broke and simply misplayed the hand. |
Hull | ID: The Bad LAG | Exploitative poker involves profiling opponents and using their tendencies against them. Doug discusses a live session where he quickly found a bad LAG. |
Hull | Assumptions In Poker Advice | Poker is highly situational, such that certain advice is highly-dependent on the assumed situation. Forgetting this can be costly, as Doug explains. |
Hull | Basics of Game Theory | Doug Hull provides a general overview of what game theory is, what it isn't, and why it is so powerful when applied to poker. |
Hull | Through The Woods With A5 Suited | Doug is back with another deep hand analysis, this time involving everyone's favorite "GTO aces," aka A5s. |
Hull | Facing the Crazy Overbet | Doug and Ross discuss how to handle large overbets, using an example in which hero holds top pair and the nut flush draw. |
Hull | Opportunistic Bluffs | Even in low-stakes games where one often hears "these guys never fold," sometimes the stars align for a good bluff. Find out how to spot these opportunities. |
Hull | Relative Position One | This three-part mini-series looks at the important topic of relative position in hold'em. In the first episode, find out what it is and why it matters. |
Hull | Relative Position Two | In the second part of this series, Ross Glover and Doug Hull discuss how game texture impacts the importance of relative position. |
Hull | Relative Position Three | As a hold'em hand proceeds postflop, our relative position can change, typically when a new player grabs the betting lead. Doug and Ross explain. |
Hull | First Principles: Preflop ranges | Doug and Ross go back to basics, and use PokerSnowie to probe the most fundamental aspect of hold'em strategy: preflop ranges. |
Hull | Questioning the 1% | "Poker's 1%" was an influential book and video series that explored constructing continuance ranges. How well does the model stand up in the solver era? |
James | ICMIZER Tutorial | ICMizer is one of the software options for studying short-stacked tournament play. MTT pro Gareth James explains how to use this powerful tool. |
James | Flatting With Under 20bb | Typically when we have less than 20bb in a MTT, we are looking to 3-bet shove over opens. But from the big blind in particular, we may be better off flatting. |
James | Bounty And Knockout Tournaments | If you play a bounty tournament like a standard MTT, you'll be making significant mistakes. Gareth explains how different bounties impact our ranges. |
James | Bounty Tournaments (Follow-Up) | Gareth discusses the homework problems he set in the previous video, providing solutions and interpretation of the results. |
James | Database Analysis For MTT Players | Like their cash-game counterparts, online MTT players can hone their game using tracking software. But some key details differ, as Gareth explains. |
James | MTT Hands From The Forum | Gareth stopped by the old Red Chip forum to look for some interesting MTT hands. He found plenty that he discusses in this video. |
James | MTT Hands From The Forum 2 | More tournament hands from the forum are broken down by Gareth James. Some were played well, others created a valuable teaching moment. |
James | Chip EV vs ICM | Gareth explains how HoldemResources Calculator can be used to calculate push/fold and 3-bet shove ranges when ICM effects are important in a tournament. |
James | Solving Ace Jack | Using the hand AJ as an example, Gareth illustrates the use of multiple pieces of GTO poker software to explore how hands should be played preflop and postflop. |
James | A GTO Breakdown Of A8 | Gareth takes a hand submitted for discussion by a Red Chip Poker subscriber, and uses PioSolver to analyze the GTO postflop betting line. |
James | 3-Bet Shoves At Different Stages | 3-bet shoves tend to be underused by less experienced players. Gareth looks at their merits in three distinct stages of tournament play. |
James | 4-Bet Shoving Preflop | This video looks at leakbusting our own play in potential 4-bet-shove spots, as well as using HRC to construct a 4-bet shoving range. |
James | Splitting Your Range As A Shortstack | Gareth explores the options with playable hands in MTTs when we have less than about 15bb, with a focus on the implications of splitting our range. |
James | Exploiting C-Bets | The small opens in MTTs mean that we need to defend our BB fairly frequently. But what do we do when facing the common small range c-bet? Gareth investigates. |
James | Betting vs Checking With Decreasing Stack Sizes | As stack sizes decrease in a tournament, the SPR naturally follows. Gareth looks at the relative merits of betting and checking in such spots. |
James | 3-Bet Pots With PIO | Gareth uses PioSolver to analyze his postflop lines in a couple of tournament hands that both began with a 3-bet preflop. |
James | Shortstack Adjustments (vs Recs & Pros) | Standard shoving ranges in late-stage MTT play are incredibly useful, but against weak players we can improve upon them. Gareth shows how using HRC. |
James | WCOOP Main Event Review Part 1 | In this two-voice video, Gareth analyzes Soto's play in a $5.2k WCOOP Main Event tournament. Spoiler: the two do not always agree on the best line. |
James | WCOOP Main Event Review Part 2 | Part 2 of Soto's WCOOP run continues to provide fascinating discussion and differing opinions. |
James | WCOOP Main Event Review Part 3 | In part 3 of this series, featured topics include over-folding, playing with capped ranges, and exploitative bet sizing. |
James | WCOOP Main Event Review Part 4 | The conclusion of the WSOOP Main Event review sees Soto across the bubble, and hence a discussion of ICM effects in tournaments. |
James | Exploitative Folds With Overpairs | In a player pool in which our opponents are check-raising with too low a frequency, we can often exploit them by folding our overpairs. Gareth shows why. |
James | Exploiting Size & Frequency Mistakes | Continuing the theme of exploiting errors made by our opponents, Gareth shows how to counter bet frequency and sizing errors. |
James | SNG ICM Mistakes | It's often claimed that success in SNGs is 90% down to getting push/fold and 3-bet/shove ranges correct. But these ranges are extremely sensitive to ICM effects. |
James | PIO Analysis Done 3 Ways On QT7 | Gareth breaks out Pio again to analyze a QT7 flop assuming three different ranges. Those ranges have a profound effect on the optimal lines. |
James | PIO Analysis In 3-Bet Pots | The GTO solvers are whirring again as Gareth looks at some 3-bet pots, with an emphasis on how we modify our lines against different player types. |
James | Vegas Hand Reviews | Gareth breaks down three live hands from the WSOP in Las Vegas, featuring a triple barrel, a tough river decision against a top pro, and a line exploiting ICM pressure. |
Jones | 22 Triple Barrel | Coach w34z3l analyzes a tricky hand supplied by Red Chip member Austin played at 25NL. Can 22 be triple barreled on this board? W34z3l looks at the pros and cons. |
Jones | Postlop Planning | Thinking ahead when playing a hand is absolutely critical. In this video, w34z3l looks at postflop planning and how it begins preflop. |
Jones | 6-Plus Holdem Strategy | 6-plus hold'em, also known as short-deck, looks very much like regular NLHE, but the removal of cards from the deck makes winning strategies very different. |
Jones | $5NL 88 Line Check | A 5NL hand submitted by a Red Chip Poker subscriber is put under coach w34z3l's microscope. What's the best line holding 88 when the flop comes 922? |
Jones | TPTK + Flush Draw vs CR | Flopping top-pair, top-kicker along with a flush draw sounds like a great spot, but what's the best line when we get check-raised? W34z3l breaks it down. |
Jones | Open-Raising The Right Way | In the age of open-raising charts, it's easy to lose sight of the reasons and fundamental strategy of open raising. Coach w34z3l takes us back to basics. |
Jones | Odd Bet Sizes: Under-Betting | You may be aware of small range c-bets, but what are the other reasons for under-betting? Coach w34z3l looks at some hands which benefit from small sizing. |
Jones | Odd Bet Sizes: Over-Betting | The natural follow-up to under-betting: over-betting. When is it correct to fire out a really big bet? Coach w34z3l describes the key factors. |
Jones | Expected Expectation | You are likely familiar with the central role that expected value plays in poker decisions, but many players have some misconceptions that coach w34z3l dispels. |
Jones | Off-Table 101 | An overview of off-table skills required to be a winning player. Coach w34z3l covers everything from mindset and bankroll management to effective study. |
Jones | Postflop After Calling A 3-Bet | The first of a two-part mini-series in which coach w34z3l looks at postflop play in situations where we are the preflop caller of a 3-bet. |
Jones | More 3-Bet Pots As The Caller | In the concluding video of this mini-series, we dive into some range-versus-range analysis to inform our postflop decisions on draw-heavy boards. |
Jones | River Play 101 | In this two-part mini-series, coach w34z3l leads off with the fundamentals of sound river play. |
Jones | Advanced River Play | The pot and bets tend to be big on the river, thus it's well worth looking at advanced concepts to make sure we play this street like an expert. |
Jones | Semi-Bluffing The Turn | Semi-bluffing the flop is a routine play made attractive by the fact we have two cards to come. But what's the correct approach to semi-bluffing the turn? |
Jones | Mistakes As The Defender | Playing as the defender typically means we are playing with a capped range. This handicap can lead to predictable mistakes. Learn how to rectify them. |
Jones | Raising Flops In Position | We have position on our opponent and they lead into us on the flop. What are the criteria for raising their bet? Coach w34z3l covers the essential concepts. |
Jones | Mindset | We all recognize that the correct mindset is essential for winning poker, but how does one achieve this happy state? There are some simple steps. |
Jones | Check-Raising Flops | Playing out of position makes poker more difficult, so it's critical we make correct use of our primary aggressive weapon: the check-raise. |
Jones | CREV 101 | Before full solvers were ubiquitous, a popular tool for looking at the EV of postflop lines was CREV. It can still unveil important postflop strategies. |
Jones | PLO8 101 | Pot-limit Omaha high-low eight-or-better. A great game with a silly name is given an introductory overview by coach w34z3l. |
Jones | Flopomania 101 | Flopomania is an online addition to the vast array of poker variants. Coach w34z3l looks at its strategy and discusses adjusting to new variants in general. |
Jones | Defending Turns IP | We've called a flop c-bet from our opponent, now they fire a second barrel. How do we construct our continuance range facing this action? |
Jones | Guide To Database Analysis | Addressed in more detail in our PRO course "Analytic Exploitation," this video provides an introductory overview to database analysis. |
Jones | Attacking Limpers Correctly | The idea of attacking preflop limpers through isolation raises is a common one, but as w34z3l explains in this video, finesse and planning are required. |
Jones | Exploitation Fundamentals | Coach w34z3l outlines the fundamental elements of exploitative poker, with an emphasis on optimal HUD use and player pool analysis. |
Jones | Lessons From GTO (The Defender) | In the GTO solver era, we can take any hand and scenario and throw it on the machine. But what generally-applicable principles can we derive? |
Jones | Lessons From GTO (The Aggressor) | In the second video in this three-part mini-series, coach w34zel switches from GTO lessons to be learned from play as the defender to the aggressor. |
Jones | Lessons From GTO (Size & Balance) Part 3 | Coach w34z3l wraps up this GTO series by discussing what we have learned about optimal bet sizing and balanced play. |
Jones | Player Pool Analysis (Floats & Probes) | This series, which is also one of our featured playlists, provides a comprehensive overview of player pool analysis. First up: floats and probe bets. |
Jones | Player Pool Analysis (C-Bet Spots) | What are our opponents doing wrong with their c-bets? How can we exploit poor frequencies common in the player pool. Coach w34z3l explains. |
Jones | Player Pool Analysis (3-Bet Pots) | Errors by our opponents in 3-bet pots are of obvious interest since such pots tend to get large. How do we pick up more than our fair share of them? |
Jones | Player Pool Analysis (Donk Betting) | Donk betting is an uncommon move and, as the name suggests, typically a poor one. But there are times to do it, and opportunities to exploit donk bets. |
Jones | Player Pool Analysis (Limping And Isolating) | We know that preflop limping is generally the sign of a weak player, but how do we maximize our profit when our opponents make that error? |
Jones | Targeting Recreationals | Much of your poker profit comes from exploiting players with much weaker poker skills. But how in practice do we target such players? |
Jones | BRM and Shot Taking | Bankroll management is a critical part of playing poker profitably. But being overly conservative is also a mistake. Sometimes you've got to take shots. |
Jones | Defending Vs 3-Bets | When facing a 3-bet, we need to know our folding, flatting and 4-bet ranges. Coach w34z3l explains how to construct such ranges, and the impact of 3-bet size. |
Jones | Playing Vs 4-Bets | In many lower-stakes games, facing a preflop 4-bet means you're up against a strong range. How does one continue in such a situation? |
Jones | Playing In 4-Bet Pots | 4-bet pots are large and naturally produce a low SPR. Coach w34z3l discusses how to negotiate these important hands postflop. |
Jones | Defending Vs 5-Bets | In aggressive online games, 5-bets can mean more than simply KK+. In such cases, a proper defense strategy is essential, as w34z3l explains. |
Jones | 4-Bet Pots: CREV Analysis | By looking at the EV of different lines in 4-bet pots, coach w34z3l derives some general principles that you can apply to your postflop play. |
Jones | Commitment Decisions | The idea of a "commitment threshold" in poker has been around for decades. But how do traditional ideas hold up to modern analysis? |
Jones | Bluff-Catching Metrics | Our calling range on the river typically must include bluff-catchers, but which hands to choose? This video provides some quantitative guidelines. |
Jones | C-Bet And Barrel Analysis | This video breaks down c-betting and barreling in single-raised, heads-up pots using a database analysis of hands provided by one of w34z3l's students. |
Jones | Drilling OOP As The Cold-Caller | Playing OOP as the cold caller is a common but difficult scenario, most commonly produced when we defend our big blind. Learn how to do it well. |
Jones | Dismantling Turn Probes | A turn probe bet occurs when the aggressor skips a flop c-bet and the OOP player leads turn. This video explains how to respond to them. |
Jones | Drilling IP As The Caller | When we call preflop outside the blinds, then in heads-up pots we'll have the positional advantage. Coach w34z3l explains how to maximize in this scenario. |
Jones | Drilling OOP As The PFR | Many players get lost in pots where they are the preflop aggressor but OOP on the flop. One particular trap is an overly high c-bet frequency, as w34z3l explains. |
Jones | Fine Tuning Float Bets | A float bet occurs when the aggressor from the previous street checks and their opponent bets. Fine-tune your float bets with this video. |
Jones | Fine Tuning Probe Bets | Probe bets are a critical weapon in the arsenal of the OOP player, but with what range and under what circumstances should they be made? |
Jones | Drilling Flop Raise C-Bets | Using a student's hand database, coach w34z3l illustrates the conditions under which c-bets should and should not be raised on the flop. |
Jones | Drilling Turn Raises Vs C-Bets | The turn also provides an opportunity to raise a c-bet, and coach w34z3l provides the answers to how to pull off this play successfully. |
Jones | Deviate: Introduction | This quick video outlines the content in coach w34z3l's 26-video course "Deviate," that describes exploitative deviations beyond GTO play. |
Jones | Deviate: River Aggression | Using population data and the GTO baseline for a variety of scenarion, w34z3l determines profitable bluff-catching ranges on the river. |
Jones | Deviate: River Aggression: 3-Bet/4-Bet Pots | Coach w34z3l extends the analysis of the previous video to include pots that were 3-bet or 4-bet preflop. |
Jones | Deviate: River Defense | A comparison of how the player pool is defending relative to the GTO baseline against river aggression reveals overfolding in many situations. |
Jones | Deviate: River Defense: 3-Bet/4-Bet Pots | The population's tendency to overfold to river aggression persists in 3-bet and 4-bet pots. This opens up the opportunity for exploitative river bluffing. |
Jones | Deviate: Bluff-Catch Variables | Coach w34z3l's analysis of river play continues with a more granular approach, in which a particular focus is placed upon board run-out. |
Jones | Deviate: Bluff Variables | The tendency of the population to overfold to river aggression is broken down by additional variables, thereby identifying particularly profitable bluff spots. |
Jones | Deviate: Versus C-Bet | This and the next two videos analyze how the population responds to c-bets. Comparison to the GTO baseline allows forthe identification of exploits. |
Jones | Deviate: Versus C-Bet Adaptation | The general trends identified in the previous video are now broken down by additional variables, such as positional formation and board textures. |
Jones | Deviate: Versus C-Bet: 3-Bet/4-Bet Pots | The analysis of how the population is reacting to c-bets is wrapped up by an analysis of tendencies in 3-bet and 4-bet pots. |
Jones | Deviate: C-Bet | Having determined how the player pool is responding to our c-bets, we now turn the tables and analyze the population's c-betting strategy. |
Jones | Deviate: C-Bet versus Raise | While aggressively raising our opponents' c-bets is not generally profitable, there are certain situations that promote exploitative deviations. |
Jones | Deviate: C-Bet: 3-Bet/4-Bet Pots | Coach w34z3l completes the analysis of how the population is c-betting by looking at pots that were 3-bet or 4-bet preflop. |
Jones | Deviate: Float Flop | This video looks at how the population is float betting, and if our opponents are deviating from GTO in a manner we can exploit. |
Jones | Deviate: Versus Turn C-Bet | An analysis of lines in which the aggressor double barrels reveals that certain flops/turns provide opportunities for exploitative turn play. |
Jones | Deviate: Versus Turn C-Bet: 3-Bet/4-Bet Pots | The analysis from the previous video is extended to hands in which there was a 3-bet or 4-bet preflop. |
Jones | Deviate: Double/Triple-Barrel HH Examples | The theory from the previous multi-street videos is illustrated with several example hands from online play. |
Jones | Deviate: Turn C-Bet | Coach w34z3l presents the GTO solutions both IP and OOP for turn c-bets, then looks for profitable deviations based on population tendencies. |
Jones | Deviate: Turn C-Bet HH Examples | The dense theory from the previous theory is applied to practical play by using hand history examples with differing board textures. |
Jones | Deviate: Turn C-Bet: 3-Bet/4-Bet Pots | Following the same pattern as in previous videos, the final video on the turn c-bet situation looks at 3-bet and 4-bet pots. |
Jones | Deviate: Float Turn | Progressing to less common betting lines, coach w34z3l turns his attention to exploitative deviations in the float turn scenario. |
Jones | Deviate: Probe Turn | The OOP analogue to the previous video, coach w34z3l analyzes the probe turn scenario and when it opens up profitable river bluff raises. |
Jones | Deviate: Delayed C-Bet Turn | The final branch of the multi-street game tree analyzed in this series involves lines made possible by a delayed c-bet. |
Jones | Deviate: Population Preflop Play | With opening ranges being widely available, one might suppose preflop exploits are limited. Fortunately, even preflop the population deviates from GTO. |
Jones | Deviate: Preflop Commitment Ranges | Our opponents' deviations from GTO preflop play, particularly in multiply-raised pots, means we can exploit them with non-GTO commitment ranges. |
Jones | Deviate: Postflop Commitment Ranges | The preflop population deviations from GTO ranges also lead to exploits in our postflop commitment ranges, as coach w34z3l explains in this video. |
Jones | Deviate: Key Takeaways | With a course of this length and depth, plucking out key takeaways is not easy, but in the final video, coach w34z3l identifies some salient results. |
Jones | Deviate Bonus: Player Profiling | If we wish to craft exploits against specific opponents, it follows that we need to understand the quantitative aspects of how they play poker. |
Jones | Deviate Bonus: Personality Traits | You may not have thought much about how an opponent's personality traits impact their approach to poker. Here is your opportunity! |
Jones | Deviate Bonus: Sizing Tells | The theme of this video is something of a throwback to the classical (pre-solver) era of poker. The recognition that predictable bet-sizing patterns by our opponents can be used to exploit them. |
Jones | Deviate Bonus: Preflop Stats | Preflop stats converge much more rapidly than those further down the game tree. This is one reason they are the starting point for deriving player profiles. |
Jones | Deviate Bonus: Postflop Stats | With postflop stats converging more slowly than preflop ones, a useful starting point for our postflop analysis are the personality traits described in the second video of this bonus series. |
Jones | Deviate Bonus: Line Comparison | In the final video of this bonus series, coach w34z3l breaks out the solver to analyze multi-street lines. What do we do when population analysis tells us we have two profitable exploits? |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: Why 3-Bet? | In this first video of the Red Chip Poker 3-Bet Pots course, coach w34z3l begins by addressing the question: "Why is preflop 3-betting important in no-limit hold'em?" |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: Bluff Math | Auto-profit spots are attractive to all poker players. One important takeaway from this video is that our position at the table is critical when making 3-bet auto-profit plays. |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: Villain Adjustments | How do we deal with opponents who are folding significantly less preflop than theory demands? Coach w34z3l addresses this problem by analyzing player pool data. |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: Sizing Selection | Coach w34z3l discusses the theoretical basis of 3-bet sizing, and the situational adjustments that must be made in order to optimize the size of our preflop 3-bets. |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: BB 3-Bets | Coach w34z3l breaks out the RCP GTO app, using it to analyze 3-betting ranges out of the BB when facing an open raise from each of the positions at a 6-max table. |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: SB 3-Bets | This video follows the same approach as the previous one, except that we switch our attention from the BB to the SB. |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: IP 3-Bets | Having looked at out-of-position 3-bets from the blinds, we now focus our attention on in-position 3-bets while in BTN, CO or MP when facing an open raise. |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: Squeezing | This video examines theoretically-correct squeezing ranges, as well as discussing some basic tips for overcalling preflop. |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: Preflop Practice | We discuss how we can improve our preflop 3-bet frequencies, by providing a practical example of harnessing the power of tracking software to analyze our preflop tendencies. |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: Textural Awareness | We begin the postflop analysis of 3-bet pots by discussing how 3-betting ranges connect with different flop textures. |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: Flop Play IP | How we play the flop in 3-bet pots depends on whether we are in or out of position to our opponent. Hence this and the following video break down the two situations separately. |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: Flop Play OOP | We now present a parallel discussion to the previous video for the case when the preflop 3-bettor is out of position on the flop |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: Playing Mid-Strength | The remainder of the course turns the theory from earlier into practice by illustrating the principles through hand examples. We begin with mid-strength hands. |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: Playing Bluffs | Continuing with postflop play, coach w34z3l analyzes example hands where we have nothing on the flop and still have nothing by the river. |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: Playing Value | This video follows the same pattern as the previous one, except we are now in the happy position that we actually have a value hand at some point in the postflop play. |
Jones | 3-Bet Pots: Getting Started | In this final video of the Red Chip Poker 3-Bet Pots course, coach w34z3l recaps the most important concepts covered. |
Jones | Mix It Up: Introduction | An overview of the Mix It Up course that follows. Underutlized lines that you can add to your arsenal are viewed through a game-theoretical lens. |
Jones | Mix It Up: Donk Bet Flop | In this first of three lessons on donk betting, w34z3l looks at the conditions that motivate us to donk bet the flop. |
Jones | Mix It Up: Donk Bet Turn | The opportunity to donk bet turn arises when the preflop caller is OOP, and the flop action went check-bet-call. |
Jones | Mix It Up: Donk Bet River | After the flop and turn go check-bet-call, the preflop caller can donk river. Coach w34z3l explains when to use the play. |
Jones | Mix It Up: Flop Microbet | A microbet is defined as a bet size of 20% pot or less. This video describes when such a bet is appropriate and profitable on the flop. |
Jones | Mix It Up: Flop Overbet | C-betting more than pot on the flop is something many players never do. Find out why you should in this video. |
Jones | Mix It Up: Flop Overbet Shove | Extending the ideas of the previous lesson, this video explores situations in which a flop overbet shove can be the preferred play. |
Jones | Mix It Up: Turn Overbet Shove | On certain turn cards, your most profitable move may be the turn overbet shove. Coach w34z3l explains when to unleash this play. |
Jones | Mix It Up: River Underbet | The donk river lesson noted that such bets are often undersized, but this video looks at the situation in which we are the aggressor throughout. |
Jones | Mix It Up: 4-Bet Jam Preflop | At 100bb depth, a preflop 4-bet jam is conventionally regarded as "too large." But it is another rare play that can be used profitably. |
Jones | Mix It Up: Min 5-Bet Preflop | 5-betting pre at 100bb is conventionally made as a jam. But a min 5-bet, while violating a poker rule of thumb, can be used in some scenarios. |
Jones | Mix It Up: River 2-Bet Bluff | Bluff-raising the river is a rare play, particularly in live, low-stakes games. This video explains the conditions under which it should be made. |
Jones | Mix It Up: Delayed Check-Raise | A delayed check-raise is defined as a check-raise of a delayed c-bet. Most players miss opportunities down this low-frequency part of the game tree. |
Jones | Mix It Up: Flop Raise, 3-Bet Pot | Population analysis reveals c-bets in 3-bet pots are rarely raised. This video explores why that is, and when they should be. |
Jones | Mix It Up: Flop Raise, 4-Bet Pot | In a 4-bet pot, a flop raise is invariably all in. This creates a surprising difference from the 3-bet pots discussed in the previous video. |
Jones | Mix It Up: Key Takeaways | Coach w34z3l summarizes the key points of the course, a big one being that using rare lines can bamboozle your opponents. |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Introduction | The introductory video to Poker Mastery 101: a course in which coach w34z3l identifies the key skills and principles that can optimize and accelerate your poker study. |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: WinRate Objectives | Coach w34z3l explains that metrics like bb/100 are not the best measure of earnings. Fiscal min-maxers should instead adopt strategies that maximize hourly rate. |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Source Of All Earnings | Where do poker earnings come from? Coach w34z3l addresses this question by decomposing poker into a primary objective and a set of secondary objectives. |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Targeted Pot Growth | Poker is a betting game. If we can bet large amounts when we have the best hand and limit our bet sizings when we are weak, we generate the largest possible winrate. |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Math 101 | There are some basic mathematical concepts that winning players must know. The purpose of this video is to list the critical ones. |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Stats And Tracking | Two critical skills for serious players are tracking earnings, and statistical database analysis; a powerful tool for leakfinding and thus improving. |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Starting Hands | Coach w34z3l discusses starting ranges for any poker variant, and identifies patterns that can help us play well without needing to memorize a large number of preflop grids. |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Player Profiling | "Poker is a people game played with cards" is an old poker aphorism. In the highly-mathematical era of modern poker, does this still hold true? |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Pool Analysis | This video demonstrates how player pool analysis can be used to generate strong exploitative strategies even in anonymous environments. |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Isolation | Coach w34z3l presents techniques for isolating the action against recreational opponents and identifying situations to expand our preflop ranges |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Range Framework | This video provides an overview of how ranging works, but also highlights limitations of the approach that are often neglected in poker training material. |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Intuition | Understanding how to harness the power of poker intuition and knowing when to “trust our gut” can hugely augment our ability as poker players. |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Deck Facility | Deck facility is the ability to access statistics in a hand of poker. Examples include, enumerating backdoor draws, counting combos, and estimating our pot equity. |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Winrate Killers | Having looked at a variety of skills that can boost our winrate, this video flips the script and looks at plays in poker that kill our winrate. |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Mental Game | This video discusses the importance of mental game and how it is likely a much larger piece of the puzzle of achieving poker mastery than most players realize. |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Off-Table | The penultimate video of this course is effectively two videos in one. First, coach w34z3l staying secure as a poker player, then looks at maximizing study productivity. |
Jones | Poker Mastery 101: Key Takeaways | It does what it says on the tin. One key takeaway from each of the videos in this course is discussed. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: Why PLO? | In the introductory video to "PLO Practitioner," coach w34z3l outlines the course and its objectives, and addresses the question of why we should play PLO. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: PLO Rules Recap | The two key rule differences between PLO and NLHE are explained: The requirement to use exactly two of our hole cards; 2. The pot-limit betting structure. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: Postflop Goals | PLO is often described as a postflop game. Consequently, we jump into PLO strategy by discussing the key postflop objectives that inform our decisions. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: Beginner Mistakes | The quickest way to improve at any poker variant is to eliminate mistakes. This video looks at common ones made by beginners. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: Freerolling | Freerolling is one of the key concepts in PLO strategy. Understanding it thoroughly, we can maximize the number of profitable situations we are able to engineer. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: Wraps | Coach w34z3l discusses every possible category of wrap - the big PLO straight draws - along with techniques for quickly identifying the type of wrap we hold. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: Big Draw Equity | We enter the poker lab to simulate equities for common types of matchup, thereby illustrating the power of big draws versus made hands in PLO. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: Starting Hands | The huge number pf PLO starting hands makes grid memorization impractical. Instead, hand quality can be determined by suitedness, connectedness, and the presence of big cards. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: Preflop Overview | Armed with our knowledge of PLO hole card characteristics, we now examine the various formations and scenarios we will encounter when making preflop decisions. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: Preflop Examples | In this video, we put the principles of the previous lesson into practice by examining a selection of preflop example hand histories. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: Extracting Value | We explore techniques for maximizing value in PLO, as well as touching on the importance of going for thin value with non-premium holdings. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: Value Examples | We again switch from theory to practice and analyze hand histories where Hero extracts value. Get this part of your game right and a decent win-rate is almost guaranteed. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: Bluffing Hotpots | One common misconception about PLO is that there is not much room for bluffing. An analytical approach to the question tells a different story, however. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: Bluffing Examples | The sample hands include examples of bluffs that work and those that do not. In all cases, the critical question is simply whether the spot was a good one to bluff. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: Bluff-Catching | The theory behind bluff-catching in PLO is very similar to that in no-limit hold’em. Villain bets a polarized range while we call with a range of bluff-catchers. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: BLuff-Catching Examples | To illustrate the bluff-catching principles outlined in the previous video, we now look at a selection of hand history examples where Hero faces a bet on the river. |
Jones | PLO Practitioner: Key Takeaways | In the final video of this course, we recap the most important concepts by way of a summary, and descibe areas of more advanced study. |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: Intro | Live Poker Analysis is a groundbreaking course that uses a 465k live hand history sample to analyze pool tendencies and develop exploits. |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: General Live Tendencies | We begin our investigation into the live hold’em population pool by examining its key statistical features. These include familiar frequencies such as VPIP, PFR, and others. |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: Preflop Wars | Experience in many live games suggests that 3-bet and higher preflop ranges are tighter than both theory and online games. This video addresses the question directly. |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: Autoprofit Aggressor | The main purpose of the following video is to answer the important question of whether the same autoprofit spots that work in online poker also work in a live environment. |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: Autoprofit Defender | Continuing the analysis of autoprofit lines, coach w34z3l looks at potential autoprofit spots that arise when playing as the defender, analysing lines across all streets. |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: River Calls | Coach w34z3l demonstrates how the data can be used to determine our calling ranges in live games, following the procedure used for online games in "Deviate." |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: River Defense Variables | We compute calling ranges for common scenarios on the river and see how variables such as bet sizing and board run-out alter the likelihood that our opponent is bluffing. |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: C-Betting And Barreling | Coach w34z3l looks at the player pool’s tendencies when facing c-bets and barrels in single-raised, 3-bet, and 4-bet pots, and how the player pool reacts when the aggressor skips a c-bet. |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: Value Betting | Coach w34z3l uses the data to compute river value-betting ranges. The video also discusses the basic theory behind equity required for value betting. |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: Profile Analysis | By breaking down the pool into recs and regs, we examine how the tendencies of regs differ between live and online environments. Achievable win-rates are discussed. |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: Donk Bet Exploit | We consider live player pool tendencies when both donking and facing donk bets. By considering these slightly lower frequency spots, we uncover several powerful exploits |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: Multiway Preflop | We analyze how the pool responds when: a) facing an open and cold callers; b) facing multiple limpers, and see which hands are profitable over the dataset. |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: Multiway Postflop | We consider multiway postflop scenarios in live poker, and make rough estimates regarding how much fold equity we generate when betting into multiway fields. |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: Raising Postflop | We consider how live players responds to postflop raises when we are the preflop defender, and analyze how frequently they continue facing subsequent barrels. |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: Facing Postflop Raises | When we are the preflop aggressor and our postflop c-bet gets raised, the data reveal significant differences in range construction depending on which street the raise occurs. |
Jones | Live Poker Analysis: Final Pointers | In this wrap-up video, coach w34z3l provides some final pointers to help you make effective use of the course in the games you play. |
Lampman | Building Complete Ranges Part 1 | In this four-part series created by MTT pro Brad Lampman, we take a street-by-street look at building ranges from fundamental principles. |
Lampman | Building Complete Ranges Part 2 | Brad breaks down betting and checking frequencies on the flop, and how they relate to specific range construction on different boards. |
Lampman | Building Complete Ranges Part 3 | The series continues to the turn, as Brad takes the flop ranges from the previous video and analyzes play on different turn cards. |
Lampman | Building Complete Ranges Part 4 | We conclude this series where you would expect, on the river. Brad again shows how to construct our betting and checking ranges on the final street. |
Lampman | Defending 3-Bets Part 1 | Brad breaks out Flopzilla to analyze range construction for defending preflop 3-bets, illustrating the link between preflop and postflop range construction. |
Lampman | Defending 3-Bets Part 2 | In the second video of this two-part mini-series, Brad looks at how our preflop 3-bet defense needs to be adjusted against different 3-betting ranges. |
Lampman | Playing Premium Hands Part 1 | Picking up a premium hand gives you a good chance of winning the pot, but the goal of poker isn't to win pots, it's to maximize the money won. |
Lampman | Playing Premium Hands Part 2 | In this follow-up video, Brad takes a specific look at how to play premium hands in 3-bet pots. |
Lampman | Firing All 3 Streets Part 1 | When we bet all three streets, either for value or as a bluff, we invest a lot of chips in the pot. Accuracy is therefore essential. |
Lampman | GTO Introduction | In this introductory video on GTO poker, Brad dispels some common myths and argues that, even at microstakes, a knowledge of GTO is helpful. |
Lampman | Playing Flush Draws | Using illustrative hand examples, Brad breaks down how to play flush draws so that we maximize our profit. |
Lampman | Reviewing Hands With Piosolver Part 1 | Using a series of hands from the 200NL Zoom tables, Brad demonstrates how we can use PioSolver to improve our strategies from a GTO viewpoint. |
Lampman | Reviewing Hands With Piosolver Part 2 | This video combines more analysis of 200NL Zoom hands, along withn a discussion of how toy games can help inform our poker decisions. |
Lampman | Using PIO In 3-Bet Pots Part 1 | In this two-part mini-series, Brad Lampman again breaks out PioSolver to analyze play in 3-bet pots. |
Lampman | Using PIO In 3-Bet Pots Part 2 | Brad winds up this mini-series with further GTO analysis of correct play in 3-bet pots. |
Lampman | Live Vs Online Poker Comparison | Live and online poker follow the same rules, but there are practical differences in how the games play. Brad discusses the necessary adjustments. |
Lampman | River Balancing | Much of river balancing boilds down to determining the correct bluff:value ratio and placing the correct hands in each bucket, as Brad explains. |
Miller | LATB: Episode 1 – Rag Flops and Water Bottle Tells | Ed Miller took several hours of LATB play and provided his assessment of key hands. In this video, he spots a common live tell. |
Miller | LATB: Episode 2 – Lucy, Mr Clean, Bear Jew and Harry | More from the Bicycle Casino in beautiful Bell Gardens as Ed breaks down some key hands played by well-known show regulars. |
Miller | LATB: Episode 3 – Lucy, Mr Clean, Bear Jew and Harry again | In this $5/$10 session from Live At The Bike, the straddles and chips are flying. Doug and Ed look at the characteristically-wild L.A. action |
Miller | LATB: Episode 4 – Lucy, Mr Clean, Bear Jew and Harry conclusion | Episode 4 of the LATB series wraps up the action from the previous session, as the LATB regulars battle it out on the felt. |
Miller | LATB: Episode 5 – | This installment of the LATB series by Doug and Ed starts off with a hand between occasional commentator Cyrus, and Josh whose portrait adorns the wall. |
Miller | LATB: Episode 7 | How to play baby pairs from up front, good barreling cards, and when to fire blocking bets are all strategy topics addressed in this LATB episode. |
Miller | Everyone Is Terrible At Poker | In Ed Miller's debut video for Red Chip Poker, he advances a controversial hypothesis: Everyone is terrible at poker. The key ideas still apply today. |
Miller | How To Beat $2/$5 Anywhere | Miller argues the common features of live $2/$5 cash games means there are general principles that allow you to beat them anywhere. |
Miller | How To Use Their Aggression Against Them | Many players struggle against one player type: the decent LAG. Ed shows how to turn the tables on such players by exploiting their aggression. |
Miller | 6.5 Hours Of $2/$5 At The WSOP | The $2/$5 cash tables at the WSOP draw many locals because of the great action. Ed looks at all the hands he played in one such session. |
Miller | 6.5 More Hours At The WSOP | More $2/$5 action from the Rio WSOP cash tables, with Ed Miller breaking down his thought processes in all the hands he played. |
Miller | Practical Blind Play | Many live players prefer to chop the blinds when they can. When prior action dictates that they must play from the blinds, Ed has some practical advice. |
Miller | Bet-Sizing Tells | Live players often leak information like gushing faucets. Bet-sizing tells represent a key leak that can be exploited profitably by the observant player. |
Miller | GTO vs Exploitative Play | In one of the first training videos on the topic, Ed Miller compares the key features of GTO and exploitative play. |
Miller | The Course: Where Money Comes From | This lengthy series is a companion to Ed's highly-acclaimed book "The Course." Also available as a curated course with quizzes in CORE L4. |
Miller | The Course: Preflop Skills | In part 2 of the series, Ed emphasizes that poker success begins with preflop skills and well-crafted preflop ranges. |
Miller | The Course: Don't Pay People Off | This video alone has saved Red Chip Poker subscribers an immeasurable amount of money. It's really simple. Don't pay off big turn and river bets. |
Miller | The Course: Determining Value | How much profit can we make with a specific hand type on a given board? This lesson is all about maximizing value through well-crafted betting lines. |
Miller | The Course: $1/$2 Multiway Pots | In entry-level live games, multiway pots are the rule rather than the exception. And yet they are often neglected. This lesson corrects that common omission. |
Miller | The Course: Barreling | You've perfected your c-betting strategy, but what happens next when your opponent calls? The art of barreling is discussed by Ed in this episode. |
Miller | The Course: Evaluating Board Texture | As a noted poker authority, Ed Miller's Card Player articles significantly advanced the theory of board texture. He summarizes that work in this video. |
Miller | The Course: Live Reads | No, not a video on tells, but an analysis of various types of information that live players leak through betting patterns that you can use against them. |
Miller | The Course: Emotional Numbing | It's not enough to understand and apply poker theory to enjoy success. You also have to detach from the inevitable swings of the game. |
Miller | The Course: Exploiting Aggression | As you move up in stakes, the aggression of your opponents also increases. The good news: you can use the aggression of such players against them. |
Miller | The Course: Playing Deep | Another difference at higher stakes is that buy-ins are frequently uncapped. Thus in order to beat such games, you need to be comfortable playing deep. |
Miller | The Course: Taking On The Pros | Having worked our way through this course, you're now in a position to play $5/$10 and above where you'll face professional players. Here's how to beat them. |
Miller | Exploitative Folds | Despite much training material emphasizing aggression and fighting for pots, sometimes the best path to profit is to fold exploitatively. Ed explains. |
Miller | The Information Game | While a sound poker strategy relies on solid fundamentals. deviations from that strategy based on direct information about or opponents is critical for success. |
Miller | Donk Bets | A follow-up to the previous video in which Ed argues that information contained in donk bets is particularly valuable in exploiting our opponents. |
Miller | Is It A Cooler? | Ed is joined by Doug Hull for a freewheeling discussion on the topic of coolers. When is a cooler not a cooler? When we misplayed the hand. |
Soto | Breaking Bad Poker | Christian Soto reviews poker hands from multiple sources including Red Chip Poker subscribers and well-known TV professionals. |
Soto | Zeebo Theorem Is A Myth | The Zeebo theorem states that no player is capable of folding a full house on any betting round. Soto explains why this is absolute twaddle. |
Soto | Pocket Queens | Several hands are reviewed by Christian Soto. In every case, the hero holds QQ. |
Soto | Coaching Anton: Part 1 | This popular seven-part series features recorded coaching sessions between Soto and his student Anton. Part 1 leads off with an introduction to Anton. |
Soto | Coaching Anton: Part 2 | In the hands featured in part 2 of the series, Anton flops really well, but did he maximize value. Soto suggests some alternative lines. |
Soto | Coaching Anton: Part 3 | This part of the coaching session begins with Soto sharing one of his hands with Anton from a $5/$5 game with a $10 button straddle. |
Soto | Coaching Anton: Part 4 | Soto drops down in stakes to $1/$2 and explains to Anton why he took the lines he did in multiple spots. |
Soto | Coaching Anton: Part 5 | This coaching session highlights Soto's approach of helping Anton deepen his thought processes when facing difficult spots. |
Soto | Coaching Anton: Part 6 | Anton is back with hands he played at $1/$2, with Soto analysing the plays and discussing Anton's thought processes. |
Soto | Coaching Anton: Part 7 | The series wraps up with an extended in video in which Soto probes the details of five hands played by Anton. |
Soto | Aggression In Live Games | Christian Soto is joined by James "SplitSuit" Sweeney for a discussion of the importance of aggression in live games. |
Soto | 50NL Session Review Part 1 | Christian recorded an online 50NL session for this play-and-explain video. |
Soto | 50NL Session Review Part 2 | More hands recorded and commented upon in real time from the 50NL online tables. |
Soto | No Holds Barred Poker | Matt Berkey joins Christian Soto as the two discuss key poker concepts with a focus on aggression. |
Soto | Playing Tournaments: Stage 1 | The early stages of tournaments are sometimes overlooked in favor of the later push-fold and bubble regimes. Soto redresses the balance. |
Soto | MTT Review | Soto reviews one of his own recent MTTs, and highlights hands he played well, and those that could have been better. |
Soto | 25NL Online Poker Session | Recognizing many of our subscribers play low-stakes games online, Soto provides a play-and-explain from the 25NL tables. |
Soto | Venus vs Mars Part 1 | This oddly-titled video reflects the strong differences of opinion between Soto and Gareth James as they review some tournament hands. |
Soto | Venus vs Mars Part 2 | The discussion between Soto and James continues, but who is the God of War and who the Goddess of Love? |
Soto | Limoto | When Christian Soto sits down with LATB legend Limon to discuss poker, the freewheeling conversation meanders delightfully. |
Soto | $51k MTT Review Part 1 | The $51k in this video title represents the buy-in of this nose-bleed stakes tournament. Soto is joined by Gareth James to review the action. |
Soto | $51k MTT Review Part 2 | Chin and Gareth's analysis of the super-high-roller tournament continues. With big money on the line, every decision counts for a lot. |
Soto | MTT Concepts | Christian Soto is joined by Jordan Young for the latter's debut contribution to the Red Chip Poker MTT content. |
Soto | Preflop Raise Sizing | Inspired by a forum thread, Soto looks at the topic of preflop raise sizing in the context of an overall hold'em strategy. |
Soto | $109 Party MTT Review Part 1 | Gareth James takes the lead in discussing various plays in a tournament played by Christian Soto, and quizzes the latter on his decisions. |
Soto | $109 Party MTT Review Part 2 | More hands from the $109 MTT played by Soto on PartyPoker as he and Gareth look at several aspects of MTT play through hand analysis. |
Soto | OOP As The Preflop Raiser | Gareth presents Chin with a series of hands plucked from his MTT database in which he went to the flop out of position as the preflop raiser. |
Soto | Soto vs The Forum 1 | Recorded over the period of about a year, this seven-part series involves Soto responding to hands and strategy debates from the forum. |
Soto | Soto vs The Forum 2 | Topics in episode two of this series are driven by hand histories, with Soto refining the lines taken by subscribers. |
Soto | Soto vs The Forum 3 | The hand analysis continues, this time leading off with a couple of hands in which hero slowplays AA preflop. Is that a good idea? Find out. |
Soto | Soto vs The Forum 4 | In episode four of Soto vs The Forum, it's starting to look like Red Chip Poker subscribers pick up more than their fair share of AA. |
Soto | Soto vs The Forum 5 | As the series progresses, Soto's analysis helps subscribers think about their hands and situations rather than providing a cookie-cutter approach. |
Soto | Soto vs The Forum 6 | Topics featured in this episode include the merits (or lack thereof) of betting to "find out where we are," and the role of blockers in reaching decisions. |
Soto | Soto vs The Forum 7 | The series wraps up with hand analysis of mostly low-stakes, live games submitted by our subscribers. |
Soto | Soto Plays LATB | The first of three videos in which Chrisitian Soto breaks down his thought processes in hands played by him on Live At The Bike. |
Soto | Soto Plays More LATB | Soto gets involved in some big pots against the LATB regulars as he continues to review his play from the live-streamed game. |
Soto | Soto Plays $10/$20 | Another trip to beautiful Bell Gardens for Christian Soto, this time to play some $10/$20 on Live At The Bike. |
Soto | Soto On LATB: Strategy Revealed 1 | When a dozen or so Red Chippers traveled from Vegas to L.A., Soto was on hand to play in the game and analyse the hands afterwards. |
Soto | Soto On LATB: Strategy Revealed 2 | Both Soto's strategy and that of other Red Chippers is broken down using hands from the streamed Red Chip Poker Night at The Bicycle Casino. |
Soto | 25NL Cash-Game Hands | Christian Soto is again joined by Gareth James as the two discuss some hands from the 25NL online tables. |
Soto | Select MTT Hands | Christian and Gareth switch from cash games to MTTs to discuss hands from a variety of stages in tournament play. |
Soto | High-Stakes Mechanics Part 1 | Soto is joined by high-stakes pro Matt Berkey as the two break down hands played by Matt on the streamed Poker Night In America. |
Soto | High-Stakes Mechanics Part 2 | Matt Berkey shares his thoughts on hands from a PINA game he played, and discusses the adjustments required in tougher games. |
Soto | Poker Education | Christian Soto is joined by Persuadeo for a discussion about the state of poker education at training sites like Red Chip Poker and beyond. |
Soto | $100 Rebuy MTT Review | With many player in the United States favoring ACR in a thin field of poker options, Soto reviews a $100 rebuy tournament he played on the platform |
Soto | $109 MTT Review Part 1 | This four-part series features a tournament played by Christian Soto. He discusses his decisions with friend and grinder Oscar Jurado. |
Soto | $109 MTT Review Part 2 | The dominant theme in this part of the series is that strong poker players can reach very different conclusions about the correct play in tournaments. |
Soto | $109 MTT Review Part 3 | Topics featured in this episode range from big blind defense to 3-betting strategies. The disagreements continue, revealing different playing styles. |
Soto | $109 MTT Review Part 4 | As Soto reaches the money and on to the final table, the fur continues to fly as he discusses hands wth Jurado. The importance of ICM is a key theme. |
Sweeney | Live Multiway Pots | In low-stakes live games in particular, multiway pots are the rule rather than the exception. SplitSuit explains they are not something to be feared. |
Sweeney | Making Overbets | Betting an amount greater than the pot is a relatively rare, but nonetheless important part of your poker arsenal. Under what conditions do we make the play? |
Sweeney | 100% Poker Aggression | SplitSuit, along with the other Red Chip coaches, have reputations for poker aggression. Why is aggression such a common feature, and what does it look like? |
Sweeney | Always, Never, It Depends | During post-session review, SplitSuit argues that it is useful to identify spots in which you would always, never, or conditionally take a certain action. |
Sweeney | I Love Jack-Ten Suited | SplitSuit puts his cards on the table and confesses an infatuation with JTs. But why? And how do you profit with this hand? |
Sweeney | Simplifying 3-Bet Pots | As you increase your preflop aggression, you will naturally play in more 3-bet pots. This video discusses how to simplify decisions on the postflop streets. |
Sweeney | Creating A Calling Range | When our opponent calls our bet, our action on the next street will be informed by constructing a range for them. SplitSuit demonstrates the process. |
Sweeney | Aggression In Live Games | In this conversation between Christian Soto and SplitSuit, the two explain that aggression in live games is more than attractive, it's a necessity. |
Sweeney | Getting AK/QQ all-in preflop | SplitSuit breaks down the fundamental math and conditions of when we can confidently commit all our chips preflop with AK and QQ. |
Sweeney | Simple Squeezes | When the universe gives you lemons, squeeze them. Or more accurately, look for opportunities to squeeze when facing a preflop raise and call. |
Sweeney | Playing KQ | A video about a single hand? KQ has some common traps for inexperienced players that SplitSuit discusses in detail using the APT software. |
Sweeney | Suited Connectors | SplitSuit sets up APT to deal him exclusively suited connectors and illustrates how they can be played profitably from different positions. |
Sweeney | Optimizing TAG: Ax | The power of suited aces in particular has been revealed in the solver era, but how do you optimize playing Ace-x in the context of a TAG style? |
Sweeney | Optimizing TAG: Suited Connectors | Even tight players will sprinkle in some suited connectors into their opening ranges. But how do you play these hands well? SplitSuit demonstrates. |
Sweeney | Range Reading Live TAGs | Some of your tougher opponents in low-stakes live games will play a TAG style. Understanding their ranges is they key to beating them. |
Sweeney | $1/$2 Session Review Part 1 | SplitSuit reviews a session played by Red Chip Poker sub ChipXTractor using the popular platform Advanced Poker Training tuned for a typical $1/$2 line-up. |
Sweeney | $1/$2 Session Review Part 2 | The second part of ChipXTractor's APT session analyzed by SplitSuit. Both preflop and postflop spots are placed under SplitSuit's microscope. |
Sweeney | Optimizing TAG: Suited Gappers | A TAG style is a useful starting point for many hold'em players, but at some point we can add in more hands such as suited gappers to boost our win-rate. |
Sweeney | Optimizing TAG: More Suited Gappers | The second part of this mini-series breaks down some more suited gappers, with an analysis of how to play these fun hands profitably. |
Sweeney | Double Barrel For Value | Many players have a major leak of checking the turn as the aggressor. In many cases, a flop value bet should be followed up with a turn barrel. |
Sweeney | Double-Barrel Bluffs | When we bet the flop as a bluff, we need to consider if the play will be continued on later streets. This video includes a helpful check-list for double barrels. |
Sweeney | When The Preflop Raiser Checks | When the preflop raiser checks the flop, it opens up postflop opportunities, but SplitSuit reaches the fascinating conclusion that we can also exploit this preflop. |
Sweeney | 3-Betting AK And Missing The Flop | 3-Betting AK preflop is standard, but you will also miss most flops. SplitSuit discusses how we decide to maintain our aggression when AK whiffs. |
Sweeney | What They Called Your 3-Bet With | This video is based on material from SplitSuit's Hand-Reading Lab and looks at ranging our opponents in spots in which they called our preflop 3-bet. |
Sweeney | 1 session, 2 bluffs, 3 check-raises | The title of this video accurately describes a $1/$2 session played by SplitSuit. Here he reviews the merits of the lines he took in some key hands. |
Sweeney | Calling Preflop Shoves | Getting shoved on preflop at 100bb can be intimidating when we're not holding the nuts. The good news is, the decision to call is a simple math problem. |
Sweeney | Live Bet-Sizing Mistakes | Low-stakes, live players tend to have a strong herding mentality that leads to common and costly mistakes. Here are some related to bet sizing. |
Sweeney | I Share My Range On J84 | This three-part series features hands from SplitSuit's hand-reading workbook, illustrating how he would attack the problems he sets. |
Sweeney | I Hand Read Them On A97 | In this workbook hand, we are facing a weak TAG. SplitSuit explains how to range such a player across multiple streets. |
Sweeney | Range vs Range on AK7 | The final sample hand from the hand-reading workbook sees SplitSuit doing a full range-vs-range analysis on a AK7 board. |
Sweeney | Fighting For Pots At $1/$2 | At live $1/$2, many players seem content simply to win pots by having the best hand. You cannot beat the game this way. SplitSuit explains how to fight for pots. |
Sweeney | Bet Sizing Q&A | This video on the critical topic of bet sizing was driven by posted questions on the topic by Red Chip Poker subscribers. SplitSuit provides the answers. |
Sweeney | Small SPR Pots | Small SPR pots typically arise from heavy preflop action and are thus usually large. SplitSuit demonstrates how to play these important pots. SplitSuit provides the answers. |
Sweeney | Paired Boards | SplitSuit uses Flopzilla to investigate hand-strength density on paired boards, revealing how such textures promote bluffing opportunities and other lines. |
Sweeney | Baby Boards | Baby boards in which the flop comes 9 and below cause problems for many players. SplitSuit looks at how different ranges hit such boards. |
Sweeney | Playing vs Unknowns Part 1 | This three-part mini-series looks at how to handle so-called unknown players, and reveals we may know more about them than we think. We start preflop. |
Sweeney | Playing vs Unknowns Part 2 | In the second part of this series, SplitSuit describes information on our opponents that many players overlook. The focus is on physical tells and behavior. |
Sweeney | Playing vs Unknowns Part 3 | The final part of this series looks at the process of reverse engineering hands. SplitSuit presents an actionable methodology to reach our river decision. |
Sweeney | Using Your HUD To Hand Read (Part 1) | This three-part series on using your HUD to reads hands when playing online was originally broadcast as a SplitSuit webinar on the topic. |
Sweeney | Using Your HUD To Hand Read (Part 2) | After showing how opponents' ranges can be built from HUD stats in part 1, SplitSuit moves from preflop ranges to postflop continuance ranges. |
Sweeney | Using Your HUD To Hand Read (Part 3) | The final part of this series looks at hand reading when our opponent barrels, then winds up with a question-and-answer period on the material in the series. |
Sweeney | Common $1/$2 Mistakes | $1/$2 is the entry-level live game played by nearly all of us at some stage. SplitSuit reviews a student's hands to highlight some common mistakes. |
Sweeney | The 1%: Breaking Apart Your Flawed Strategy | SplitSuit's video rendition of Ed Miller's "Poker's 1%" explains and expands on the content of that important book. We begin with common poker mistakes. |
Sweeney | The 1%: The 70% Model | The remaining videos in this series look at various aspects and implications of the 70% model. But what is this model? SplitSuit explains the details. |
Sweeney | The 1%: Branching Your Ranges & Exceptions | One complexity of the model that causes some confusion is what to do when the betting initiative changes. Here's a clear explanation of how to respond. |
Sweeney | The 1%: Applying The 70% Model | We have a theoretical model, but how do we apply it in practice? SplitSuit gives a detailed breakdown following a hand down the postflop streets. |
Sweeney | The 1%: Bluffing & Value Betting Frequencies | A central theme of the 70% model is maintaining theoretically-correct bluff-to-value-ratios. SplitSuit shows how it's done through examples. |
Sweeney | The 1%: 5 Common Frequency Errors | The 70% model is fundamentally a frequency-based approach to playing hold'em well. Spotting frequency errors made by your opponents is thus key. |
Sweeney | The 1%: The Good/Bad/Non Event Concept | The central corollary to the model of good, bad and neutral events. You have to understand how different run-outs cause us to deviate from the model to succeed. |
Sweeney | The 1%: Refining Your Hand Selection | Central both to the model and to hold'em in general is deriving optimal continuance ranges. This video shows you how to refine your hand selection. |
Sweeney | The 1%: How About When You Get Raised? | When we are the aggressor and get raised, the simplest elements of the model have to be adjusted for the new situation. This video explains how. |
Sweeney | The 1%: How Should You Be Raising? | As the defender, part of our continuance range will include raises. Which hands go into the calling and raising buckets? |
Sweeney | The 1%: Bonus Q&A Session | As a bonus captstone to the series, SplitSuit presents a Q&A session reflecting the most common questions asked about the material. |
Sweeney | Information Gathering Q&A | In this session centered on subscriber questions, SplitSuit discusses how to gather and use information about our opponents when playing live. |
Sweeney | Live $2/$5: One Pair Hands | When we find ourselves with one pair, we'll often be in the tricky situation of playing a merged range. SplitSuit explains how to negotiate these tough spots. |
Sweeney | Live HH Review: Tx | A thematic live hand review in which SplitSuit's student's hole cards are Tx. Some key ideas on exploitative live play and how to review hands productively. |
Sweeney | Calling vs. Shoving A Semi-Bluff | AQ on a JTx board clearly means you have something, but how do you play this hand facing aggression? SplitSuit looks at the merits of raising versus calling. |
Vail | Omaha HL: 101 | Greg Vail introduces the fundamental principles of Omaha High-Low Eight-Or-Better, with an emphasis on the popular pot-limit 4- and 5-card variants. |
Vail | Omaha HL: Starting Hand Selection | Like any poker variant, the bedrock to success is understanding which hands are playable and why. Greg provides guidelines on O8 preflop ranges. |
Vail | Omaha HL: Key Cards & Safety | Much of poker can be understood in terms of a risk-reward relationship. As Greg explains in this video, PLO8 allows us to risk a little to win a lot. |
Vail | Omaha HL: Pushing vs Pulling | One interesting dynamic in PLO8 is the decision of whether we should "pull or push" with a hand. Do we want to pull opponents into the pot, or push them out? |
Vail | Common O8 Mistakes & Misplays Part 1 | One way of improving our play in any form of poker is through the gradual elimination of common mistakes. Greg looks at such errors in this three-part series. |
Vail | Common O8 Mistakes & Misplays Part 2 | In the second part of this series on mistakes and misplays, Greg looks at the dangers of overplaying one-way hands and drawing to non-nut outs. |
Vail | Common O8 Mistakes & Misplays Part 3 | You know that you're getting some of the pot with the nut low, but if it's one quarter or less it's usually a huge mistake to make or call big bets. |
Vail | Transparency & Alternative Lines Part 1 | Greg illustrates the nuances of O8 hand reading and how we can use it both to exploit and to befuddle our opponents. |
Vail | Transparency & Alternative Lines Part 2 | Taking non-standard lines in O8 can be a powerful way of confusing our opponents to gain extra bets, or even take down a whole pot with mediocre hands. |
Vail | You’re Doing It Wrong! | Betting and check-raising for value are both legitimate plays in O8, but Greg has discovered that many players are doing it wrong. This video explains why. |
Vail | Bluffing In O8 | Can you bluff in a game in which multiway pots are common and most opponents figure they have hit the board? Sure you can! Greg explains how. |
Vail | When Things Get Weird | When inexperienced O8 players hit unusual situations, they often revert to hold'em solutions. This can be a costly error. Greg shows you how to avoid it. |
Vail | Limit O8 Part 1 | While pot-limit variants of O8 now dominate in online play, live poker still sees plenty of fixed-limit O8, particularly as a mainstay of mixed games. |
Vail | Limit O8 Part 2 | Both pot-limit 08 players and fixed-limit hold'em players will see familiar themes in fixed-limit O8, but pulling it all together requires a qualified guide. |
Vail | Limping Is Losing | Preflop limping is quite common in low-stakes O8, but as Greg argues in this video, just like in hold'em it is a losing mistake. |
Valdez | Deviation | In his first video for Red Chip Poker, Fausto Valdez looks at counter-measures one must employ against aggressive opponents to beat them. |
Valdez | Playing Out Of Position | Playing out of position makes poker more difficult, but Fausto shares some strategies and tactics to make the scenario less scary. |
Valdez | Fausto vs Persuadeo | Fausto is joined by Persuadeo as they discuss some tough hands from the $2/$5 tables and share their philosophies and winning lines. |
Valdez | Live $2/$5 Session Hand Review | More $2/$5 hands are reviewed by Fausto, as he backs up some of his more creative lines with quantitative support from Flopzilla analysis. |
Valdez | Deviating On Range Advantage Boards | Against good, aggressive opponents, you may find some of your pet strategies simply do not work. Fausto looks at deviations that counter such opponents. |
Valdez | Betting: Gaining an Edge | Fausto takes a fresh look at the role of betting in poker, and the edges that can be gained if we move beyond the traditional value-versus-bluff dichotomy. |
Valdez | Live $2/$5 Session Hand Review Part 2 | More hands played at the $2/$5 tables in which Fausto explains how he generates edges through his loose-aggressive approach. |
Valdez | Training With Flopzilla | Fausto has a reputation of being a creative player, but his non-standard lines are not summoned from thin air. The strategy begins in the Flopzilla lab. |
Wallace | WSOPcom $5 Re-entry Part 1 | This series of videos by Chris "Fox" Wallace" consist of three-parters in which Fox reviews MTT hand histories from subscribers. Or in this case, himself. |
Wallace | WSOPcom $5 Re-entry Part 2 | In part 2 of the series, Fox is sitting with an average stack of 20bb, allowing him to illustrate the nuances of the 3-bet-shove realm. |
Wallace | WSOPcom $5 Re-entry Part 3 | The series concludes with action rarely featured in such reviews: an extended heads-up battle for the gold trophy. |
Wallace | PokerStars $11 (Sidris) Part 1 | We start this tournament hand history with the first hand of the tournament and a discussion of what we can glean using our PT4 database and HUD. |
Wallace | PokerStars $11 (Sidris) Part 2 | With around half the field already eliminated, Part 2 begins with our hero sitting on an average stack, but already close to the push-fold realm with 15bb. |
Wallace | PokerStars $11 (Sidris) Part 3 | The final part of the series begins with the formation of the final table. A key theme: learn how to survey the stack distribution to create a plan. |
Wallace | JDeezy MTTs Part I | Fox looks at two $16.50 tournaments in this series, both played by RCP subscriber JDeezy who has a deep run in both. |
Wallace | JDeezy MTTs Part 2 | This video begins deep into the final table with only four players remaining, and features many hands from the phase when money jumps really matter. |
Wallace | JDeezy MTTs Part 3 | The second tournament featured in this mini-series has our hero playing the short-stack. Many players give up when their low on chips, much to their cost. |
Wallace | Intro To PLO | Chris "Fox" Wallace kicks off this introductory, three-part series to PLO with an overview of key concepts that will help NLHE players transition. |
Wallace | PLO Preflop Play | "Play four cards that work well together," is typical preflop PLO advice, but what does this mean in practice? What are sound preflop ranges? Fox explains. |
Wallace | PLO Postflop Primer | Postflop PLO has the reputation for requiring gamble, with big made hands getting all-in against massive draws. But you can tilt the playing field in your favor. |
Wallace | Adjustments From Heads-Up Pots | Part of the "Negotiating Multiway Pots" series, in which Fox discusses key differences to the more widely-studied heads-up scenarios. |
Wallace | Deconstructing A Live Hand | This hand breakdown in "Negotiating Multiway Pots" course gives an in-depth example of how multiway scenarios allow advanced hand reading. |
Wallace | Some online hand examples | Online microstakes cash games produce similar multiway dynamics to those that are common live. Fox provides some analysis of such hands. |
Young | Preflop Tournament Strategy | Jordan Young demonstrates how one can build a preflop tournament strategy from the ground up, with an emphasis on range building. |
Young | Establishing An MTT 3-Bet Range | As a tournament progresses, stacks become shallower and ICM effects increase. Thus our preflop 3-bet range needs to respond to these changes. |
Young | MTT Strategy: Early Stage | In this three-part series on tournament strategy, Jordan divides play in terms of early, middle and late stages. We star, naturally enough, with the early stage. |
Young | MTT Strategy: Middle-Late Stage | Using the same tournament hand history as the previous video, Jordan demonstrates middle-late stage concepts through hand examples. |
Young | MTT Strategy: Stack Leverage | In a tournament your chips are a weapon. Learn how to use your stack to dominate your opponents. |
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