Blockers are an intermediate concept that tends to be used very incorrectly. If you either totally ignore them or overly focus on them, be sure to "unblock" this entire episode.
Poker is all about exploits. Your goal is to find leaks in your opponent’s strategy, figure out how to best take advantage of those leaks, and then implement plays to exploit their [...]
In this final part of my introductory tournament series, I’m going to break from educational convention and begin by telling you what I’m not going to talk about. I’m not [...]
When we left our tournament in my last article, the bubble had just burst and you had cashed. Congratulations! But this is no time to rest on your laurels. In fact, one can argue that the real [...]
In the previous article in this series I discussed some general principles for early tournament play. Using a characteristic Vegas structure, we left off just as the antes were about to kick in [...]
For the remainder of this series I am going to break down tournaments into three stages. Exactly where these divisions occur is a little fuzzy, but roughly speaking the early, middle, and late [...]
As I explained in the first article of this series, my primary goal is to facilitate an easy transition for cash-game players who want to get into tournaments. The bulk of the series will focus [...]
This is the first article in a series aimed at cash-game players looking to get into tournaments, as well as anyone who is relatively inexperienced in this format. Like my $1/$2 series this is [...]
One of the most common questions we get from Vegas rookies at the Red Chip Poker Discord server is “where should I play poker?” We addressed this question in our WSOP Guide, but that, of course, [...]
If you’re a seasoned multi-table tournament (MTT) player, you likely keep track of your progress using ROI (return on investment). This is particularly true in the online environment, where [...]