“W34z3l”, is an online poker grinder and coach from the UK. He started his poker journey with 5 Euros, and has since parlayed that into thousands in profit. We stopped to ask him some questions and he was kind enough to share some honest answers…
Where is your original hometown, and where do you call home now?
I’m British by birth, but I like to travel around a lot.
Where specifically are we most likely to see you playing cards these days?
You’ll potentially find me anywhere, I have experience with most of the main rooms. What I really love the most though is running technical analysis and seeking to become an expert in the underlying theory behind various games.
When and how did you start playing poker?
I first played poker when I was 18. It was a play money game offered as an extra feature in a text based role-playing game. Adventurers played cards for gold which could be used to purchase equipment and build a stronger character. It became quickly apparent to me that poker is a game of skill rather than luck.
When and how did you decide to play poker professionally/seriously?
Upon realization that it was possible to use poker as a medium for investment. Players invest in a specific skillset and translate that skillset into earnings through rigorous hard work. Poker is clearly very different casino games that are primarily luck based. Playing professionally involves similar discipline to investing in the various trading markets and should absolutely not be considered as “gambling”.
What do you consider your proudest poker achievements?
Beating some of the toughest games in the world and becoming one of the most respected consultants in the field.
When and how did you start coaching others?
Back in 2011 I was contracted to make some strategy content for a Romanian site. Since then I’ve had no shortage of requests for various types of articles, training videos, private consultations and a significant number of other projects. I feel that having a background in teaching makes me ideally suited for creating effective educational content.
What is your coaching specialty? Do you consider yourself a ‘specialist’ in any games?
Although short-handed NLHE is the main focus of my theoretical analysis, I have been contracted to work with a large number of different variants over the years. I also offer training for important supplementary skills including mindset coaching and productivity.
What is your goal in providing coaching through Red Chip Poker?
If we run a quick google search for poker, aside from basic information on the rules, 90% of the information out there is either unreliable or downright inaccurate. We shouldn’t be surprised, poker is still very much in its infancy. The ill-informed preconceived notions most have about the game are extremely pervasive – very few people in the world have any clue regarding what poker really is and how it should be played.
As an expert in the field, you can trust me to provide accurate and relevant information for developing an elite level of strategic competence.
Rapid Fire Fun Questions
Favorite color: Kept secret for balancing reasons
Favorite starting hand: Aces
Favorite poker room: Any room that allows Notecaddy
Last song you listened to: Felicidade by Dyens
Waffles or pancakes: Pancakes
Favorite drink: Tea
Favorite thing to cook: Pizza
Do you have a lucky object?: I don’t believe in luck
Favorite board game: Chess