When I first started playing, I would never have envisioned a situation where people tuned in to watch me play online poker. To be frank, when I first started I was terrible, so you wouldn’t have [...]
HORSE is a mixture of five games. Stud is a game that tends to be favored by the older generation. It was the game to play in the seventies and eighties, especially on the East Coast. S is for [...]
In full disclosure, I enjoy video games and thus always view myself as Player1. In a poker game, I view everyone else as players in my game, and I rank them. So at a 9-handed game I would rank [...]
If you hear the word ‘meditation’ and think of a meditating Buddhist monk atop a mountain, you aren’t alone. But meditation is something that everyone can do, and something that [...]
I left a popular internet poker forum for good in 2006, and with a few exceptions here and there, I haven’t really participated in a poker forum in eight years. It’s extremely refreshing to get [...]