The new Poker Math & Preflop Workbook was crafted by James “SplitSuit” Sweeney with one simple goal in mind: to help you study the right stuff more efficiently. It’s already gotten stellar reviews on Amazon (a perfect 5/5 stars over 20+ reviews at the time of this writing) and was ranked as the #1 book in poker when first released.

So it felt right to review the top 10 things about this workbook so you can decide for yourself if this should be the next addition to your poker library. In no particular order – let’s get started:

Get The Poker Formulas

As the title suggests, this workbook is full of poker math exercises. But instead of assuming you know every math formula, SplitSuit included preliminary text to each major chapter giving you the formulas needed to correctly answer each question.

This includes formulas for counting combos, factoring in blockers, pot odds, implied odds, breakeven percentage, and even expected value (EV).

The goal is that by learning the formulas and then putting them to use to answer questions, you’ll develop the ability to make closer estimations more quickly. You won’t be able to pull out a calculator or Flopzilla at the table, so being able to effectively and efficiently calculate the math is a huge advantage.

Copy & Paste Ranges

There are tons of questions that directly explore poker ranges so you can develop a more technical understanding of things like combos, the matrix, and percentage-form.

But rather than forcing you to build each range by hand, this workbook allows you to easily copy and paste each range into your poker software of choice. Yes, you can paste ranges directly into Flopzilla, Equilab, PokerCruncher! This will save you hundreds of hours and allow you to quickly explore questions and derive answers.

You may be wondering how the heck that’s possible with the paperback version. Well, the answer key put the ranges in a single column so you can copy the range directly from the answer key and also avoid sneaking a peek at the correct answer.

Write Directly Into The eBook

The entire ebook is writable, meaning you can use a PDF program like Adobe Acrobat Pro to write and save your answers directly into the ebook.

This makes it much easier to pick up where you left off and review your work later. No more extra templates to download and save-as, and no more lost work.

Of course, if you grab the paperback via Amazon, you can always write directly into the book with a pen or pencil. The pages are matte so you don’t need to worry about pen ink smearing all over the place.

Simple Answer Key

The answer key for this workbook is super easy to use.

Every chapter is clearly labeled. Every page number is visible so you won’t get lost trying to find an answer for a question on page #194. And ranges can be copied for easy import to your software.

Personally, I find this kind of detached answer key to be far better than having the answers posted in the back of the book. An answer key within a book makes a book unnecessarily long and makes flipping back-and-forth tenuous. So being able to open this answer key either in Google Sheets or via Excel is an excellent feature.

Paperback & eBook Versions

Whichever way you like to read poker books, this workbook has you covered. The full-color paperback is available via Amazon and normally on your front door in a few days with Prime shipping.

And yes, you read that correctly. FULL-COLOR PAPERBACK!

The eBook version is also full-color and includes links to additional poker training content.

Structured Off-Table Practice

One of the biggest struggles players have is knowing what to study next. This workbook solves that issue by laying out the concepts you need to know in the order you need to know them.

It wouldn’t be helpful to study the raise sizes of squeezes before learning about breakeven percentage. And it wouldn’t be helpful to study 3betting all-in preflop before learning about EV.

This workbook took all of that into consideration when crafting the ordering of chapters, the difficulty of questions, and topics to be covered. All you need to do is commit to doing a few pages of the workbook each day to continue progressing your game.

Another benefit is that you can finally get extra usage out of that poker software you downloaded and don’t 100% know what to do with. The exercises in this workbook walk you through setting up problems with your software and seeing how the output can be used to derive actual answers.

Plus, you can do this workbook alongside our structured CORE program to start briding the concepts you learn in CORE with the exercises laid out in the book. One of the best ways to deeply learn something is to immediately practice it: and using a workbook is far cheaper than heading out to try a play at $1/$2 or $2/$5.

A single red chip is all it takes to enroll in CORE today. This is the most complete poker course ever created, taking you from the poker fundamentals you NEED to know all the way to the advanced plays you WANT to know. Enroll and jump into your first lesson now ♥

The Workbook Is Beautiful

It’s not very often that you describe a poker book as “beautiful” – but this workbook really is.

Everything is in full-color with a brand new deck design, updated table layout, and even a simplified table setup that allows for more information to be visible on a single page.

Plus, the paperback is a sizable 8”x10”. This makes reading range matrices easier without squinting and the paperback is zoomable with almost zero reduction in image quality.

Enjoy a poker book that utilizes a modern design to make your life easier and makes you want to open it up and complete a few exercises.

Sync The Math With Preflop Plays

While much of this workbook focuses on poker math, almost 1/3 of the book focuses on pairing those math skills up with your preflop playbook. This means taking a technical look at everything from open-raising to 3betting to going all-in preflop.

Learning poker math in isolation is fine, but learning how to put that math to use in preflop spots that arise in every session you play is excellent.

Crafted For Your Next “A-Ha!” Moment

You might not think a workbook is set up for those “lightbulb” feelings – but this book is.

The goal is that by completing these exercises you will uncover existing patterns in the math behind concepts like pot odds, combos, and ranges. You will find your own shortcuts that are routed to your mental wiring (and have the answers to proof that your shortcut is correct).

Concepts and methods that you uncover for yourself are retained much deeper than ones handed to you. So don’t be surprised if you end up making some “unintended connections” with math and plays as you complete this workbook.

The Perfect Price For Any Bankroll

Unless you play super small limits, like 5 cent/10 cent, this workbook won’t even put a dent in your bankroll. At $39, this workbook has massive ROI potential, even if you complete it slowly.

Math is the foundation of poker and it’s something you use in EVERY single hand you play. Whether you are calculating pot odds, putting your opponent on a range, looking to 3bet with more bluffs, or considering calling an all-in: math is involved.

Improvements in your poker math skills will pay off massively over your poker playing lifetime. And you don’t need a massive IQ to “get poker math.” You just need a little guidance, a little patience, and a little practice between sessions.

To grab your workbook today, click the version that’s right for you:

If you have any questions about this workbook, you can always tweet @SplitSuit and he’d be happy to help you out. Otherwise, enjoy the workbook and hopefully you end up feeling the same way as this player who left this 5-star review on Amazon:

“I have watched countless videos and read other books about range-building, combos, and hand reading. I feel like I get a lot from them, but then I am not exactly sure how to incorporate those concepts into my game. This structured workbook is guiding me through the homework needed to reinforce what I had learned conceptually but not yet put into practice. I am still going slowly through the exercises as I don’t want to rush it, but I can tell already this will (really, this time) improve my thought process at the tables.”